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Freshwater Aquatics Questions


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Ive been noticing things like these pop up recently. So i came up with a few questions.

What is your favorite fish? and why?

What is your dream fish? and why?

What is your favorite plant? and why?

What is your dream plant?

(To clarify by "dream plant" i mean a plant you really want to do well with, but cannot grow it)

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On 2/3/2023 at 1:51 PM, JettsPapa said:

My current favorite plant is Cryptocoryne usteriana.  It's hardy, spreads easily, gets to just the right height for my 40 gallon breeder tank, and has textured leaves that are green on top and bronze/red on bottom.  What's not to like?

ive never seen this plant for sale. So sourcing might be an issue. and also, a fast growing crypt? sign me up for one.

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On 2/3/2023 at 1:08 PM, Theplatymaster said:

Ive been noticing things like these pop up recently. So i came up with a few questions.

What is your favorite fish? and why?

What is your dream fish? and why?

What is your favorite plant? and why?

What is your dream plant?

(To clarify by "dream plant" i mean a plant you really want to do well with, but cannot grow it)

Favorite fish right now: Panda Cory, cuz they are just cute and fun.

Dream Fish: Discus, cuz they are gorgeous 

Favorite plant right now: Java Fern, cuz I get a lot of babies.

Dream plant: Dwarf Water Lettuce, cuz it’s forbidden where I live

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-What is your favorite fish? and why?

Pygmy corys. I find them really adorable, they wiggle wiggle, have a great schooling behavior, they have naps on big leaves as a group.  I just love them

-What is your dream fish? and why?

I want to say Discus tank, specifically checkerboards. Me and my sister really want a big tank of them. And maybe vampire pleco. But I guess I just like them, not really dreamy level.

-What is your favorite plant? and why?

-I really like the red and pinkish/orange-y plants in general. They look amazing to me even when kept alone with a rocky setup and white fish, or when combined with green plants.

-What is your dream plant?

cryptocoryne flamingo. Not a really common color you see in the tanks. Haven't tried one yet, when they were in stocks I should've gotten one. :')


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On 2/3/2023 at 2:58 PM, Lennie said:

Pygmy corys. I find them really adorable, they wiggle wiggle, have a great schooling behavior, they have naps on big leaves as a group.  I just love them

yup those are on my bucketlist for sure. The wouldnt work well in my current setup, the platies would outcompete them for food, however if i restocked my tank, i would do at least 12 of them.

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On 2/3/2023 at 11:00 PM, Theplatymaster said:

yup those are on my bucketlist for sure. The wouldnt work well in my current setup, the platies would outcompete them for food, however if i restocked my tank, i would do at least 12 of them.

I keep a school with rummy noses and rummy noses are really active eaters, from my experience pygmys always eat their part as long as you drop a bottom wafer/pellet once a day, which I always do for sterbais and pleco anyway! I was worried about them getting food too, I understand your concern. But they ended up opposite from what I've expected them to be!

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On 2/3/2023 at 3:05 PM, Lennie said:

I keep a school with rummy noses and rummy noses are really active eaters, from my experience pygmys always eat their part as long as you drop a bottom wafer/pellet once a day, which I always do for sterbais and pleco anyway! I was worried about them getting food too, I understand your concern. But they ended up opposite from what I've expected them to be!

i think you misunderstand my setup @Lennie. Fine maybe 10 rummynose lets say, and 8sterbais, put in a few wafers, the pygmies can get food. I have 6albino cories, 1panda garra, and around 30juvinile platies, even dropping in 5-6 wafers, they are devoured very quickly. My fish are very aggressive eaters.

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My favorite fish tends to change but right now I'm loving the red crystal shrimp that I just got from @tolstoy21. They look beautiful and I love how they move around. 

My dream fish is the wild aplocheilus lineatus that has the vertical striping on the back. This is the same species as the golden wonder killie but I have never been able to find one that still has the striping as such. I like the body shape, color, and striping. 

Panchax rayé • Aplocheilus lineatus • Fiche poissons

Favorite plant for me is hydrocotyle verticillata. It has these perfect circle leaves which I think are unique and cool looking. It also grows easily and quickly. 

I'm not sure if I have a dream plant but I guess one that I would like to be able to grow a large healthy piece of is rose moss. 

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What is your favorite fish? and why?

Bolivian ram - they're so personable and they really recognize you. It's like having a nano oscar.


What is your dream fish? and why?

Plenty but right now it's Dicrossus Maculatus (checkerboard cichlid). I've kept them before and I really enjoyed how they move around the tank. Very inquisitive fish and such a joy to observe. 


What is your favorite plant? and why?

Rotala indica bonsai - cause they're cute :)


What is your dream plant?

Not so much of a dream plant but I wanna keep Eriocaulon species and anubias white right now. They're a bit rare and more difficult to keep.


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