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Found an easy way to feed bbs to adult corys


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I hatch the bbs and then freeze it in tiny cubes. as the cubes melt, the shrimp sink and the corys like to eat them. Problem is they often land in plants or the neon tetras and betta feed on the before they sink. 

I decided I needed to make the tiny cubes heavier so they would sink faster. I have found putting one piece of gravel substrate in the cubes make them "sink like a rock." they go straight to the bottom and melt into a little pile that the corys vacuum up with great style and grace. I leave stones out of some for the top and mid swimming fish. Works like a charm and is free !

Edited by KittenFishMom
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I was watching the corys eat the bbs tonight. They stick their nose the pile of bbs and slurp up the hatchlings like it was the thick milkshake, with the mustaches wiggling like crazy. No sign of any bright yellow on the black sand when they finally swim away.  In one tank a female landed belly first on a pile and could taste the bbs and got very excited, swimming in tight circles until she found what was left of the pile. No yellow after that tank was done either, but just not as tidy while they were eating the bbs. Now there were a few substrate stones on the black sand, but I think the fish or snails will have them buried by morning. If not, I will pick them up before the next feeding.

The betta and neon tetras ate their bbs upstairs in mid-water.

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