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Green water & discoloration on neon tetra


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Help!!! Ive been battling the green water for a week. Did a 50% water change & then 48hr blackout, then another 50% water change. Water was not green after, but it was very hazy. Thats when i noticed my neon that had the discolored place on his side. I dosed maracyn yesterday & today, and my water is right back to pea soup green. I use easy green & liquid co2 from co-op. I put root tabs in also since i have a sand substrate. Im trying to get my plants to grow. Its just been problem after problem with this tank. I cant win with it. My parameters today are nitrate 20 ppm, nitrite 0, gh is >300, kh 40ppm, ph 6.4, chlorine 0, amonia 0. I have a 29 gallon, and a 10 gallon also… never had any issues with. This 55 gallon has me really discouraged & ready to give up 😔



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I would quarantine it if you can if your seeing no improvement after a full course of maracyn I would do a course of kanaplex it's a more broad spectrum antibiotic  if more fish develope these patch's I would start treating with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan straight away you could add a UV steriliser help get rid of your green water @Jennifer72


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