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Getting Food Past Pigs With Fins


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I have long struggled to get food past my African Peacock Cichlids for my Abino Bristlenose Pleco. I remember Cory talking about ways to combat this and decided to try one of them. I installed a piece of black abs line with an angle cut at the bottom, which leads under the two pre-filters in my tank. Because of the steep angle I am able to rest the pipe right on the bottom of the tank. I am hoping this works as I've tried feeding after dark and I'd have to put a ton of food in to get a little past the pigs with fins. This is obviously not healthy for them or the appearance of the tank.






Edited by Tonyp814
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I would think that bn’s are so far along the primarily herbivore spectrum that you don’t need to worry about them getting protein. [Not to say they don’t need it, but just very tiny amounts, and a very small proportion of their diet]

I keep and breed bristlenoses, and their main food is green beans. If there are no other fish in the tank, they might get nothing but canned green beans for weeks at a time. And they grow up healthy and strong.

As your cichlids attack/demolish/consume their food, I’m sure small bits end up on the floor, and in cracks and crevices, and they get protein that way. 

You could also try the repashy morning wood for xylivores. 

Edited by TOtrees
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@TOtreesI've never thought of it that way, i guess that makes sense. I do feed green beans along with Zucchini so atleast I can get comfort from that. I think I will still keep what I added today to the tank though. The Pleco absolutely loves Extremes Bottom Wafers. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it.

Edited by Tonyp814
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