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I'm consolidating some of my tanks into 1


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So i have 2 10 gallons, a 15 gallon,and a 5 gallon and i was thinking of just combining of all them into a 40 gallon.so the contents of the tanks are

first 10- 3 indian glass fish

second 10- 5 x-ray tetras and i molly

5 gallon- 5 ember tetras, and a scralet badis

15 gallon- 6 neon tetras, 1 garra flavatra, 1 albino paradise fish.

The 40 gallon is gonna be heavly planted with driftwood and stone.So my paradise fish is actually very mellow and chill. My only concern that might change if i combine the tanks into 1. what contingent plan should i have if it goes south?

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If you keep a second sponge filter tucked away somewhere in your tank and keep a Rubbermaid (or equivalent) tote clean in storage, you've basically got a hospital/quarantine/fry rescue tank at a moment's notice. But it could also be either a fish asylum or fish jail, if you need to separate some of them from some others. It wouldn't be a long term solution, but would buy you time to figure out what to do.

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On 1/13/2023 at 9:22 AM, plantedtanks1052 said:

first 10- 3 indian glass fish

second 10- 5 x-ray tetras and i molly

5 gallon- 5 ember tetras, and a scralet badis

15 gallon- 6 neon tetras, 1 garra flavatra, 1 albino paradise fish.

I would put in the most territorial fish either first or last. Let them settle and have their boundary and then the other fish will learn to avoid that.

The tetras and Molly I would put in all on the same day just to diffuse any weirdness. They all should focus on each other and ignore other things. Likely spend their time exploring.

I would probably start with your 15G, then the 5G+second 10. Once that is done you just add the last 3 and move all the hardscape around to reset the tank and then add in the last tank.

On 1/13/2023 at 9:22 AM, plantedtanks1052 said:

The 40 gallon is gonna be heavly planted with driftwood and stone.So my paradise fish is actually very mellow and chill. My only concern that might change if i combine the tanks into 1. what contingent plan should i have if it goes south?

Keep the 15 cycled and going until you have it all done and are content with it.

I did the same thing with a 55G tank. You might have one fish that shows some aggression or one that gets picked on. I used a Hang on box last time to move the fish for 3-5 days and then reintroduced the fish and it started to defend itself.

Just have to see how it goes.

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