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Goldfish milky substance, breathing labored(?) Etc

Zigtons Wizard

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Hi everyone, this "Wizard" is near out of his mind with my fish not looking good.

I have a 125 setup, community  tank.  My Goldfish appear lethargic as well as having  the milky substance all over.  Breathing also seems problematic.  I did a 75% water change last Monday.  I  changed internal in my canister filter, new ammonia reliever, charcoal and something else for nitrite removal.  Plenty of continuous aeration and a bunch (4) bubble filters running 24/7.  Often times, the Goldfish congregate near the bottom of tank.  Now there appears a smell coming from the water.

I hope to do another water change and treat for possible bacterial infection.  The rest of the community appear healthy. However, all the live bearers are at the top of the tank.  The algae eaters on bottom.  Thinking this is too much for a old wizard (74). Thanks for any help you can render.

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Unfortunately, before I got to get back to my tank I lost about 15 or more of my prized Japanese Goldfish.  Ai lost a bunch of guppies, platys, algae eaters, a shark, and God knows what.  I bought a bunch of guppy fry las5 week but didn't "quarantine" them. On Sunday, we  changed about 75% of the water.  Used an anti ammonia product and something move. Chloramine & Nitrate.  Water parameters.was.good after that, just woke up to see up today to see many of my fish struggling. Also, when changed the water I  changed filter components.  7 weeks ago, I thought I went through the cycling process.  

Temp is.77* constant.  Have 2 canister filters.  Going to try some Mela fix (?) for a couple of days.  Tomorrow, if you like, I will send a picture.

I am seriously thinking up the hobby.  it's become to much like full time work.  At 74, maybe its for the best. 

Thank you.






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It sound I like your water has been contaminate your water company at certain times of the year can flush the pipes with extra chorine  meaning you could be under dosing your water dechlorinator I would add a double dose of dechlorinator directly to the tank add any extra air stone and and add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons as the the milky substance could be over production of the slime coat caused by poor water quality melafix is just a mild antiseptic treatment in this case it won't do much @Zigtons Wizard

Edited by Colu
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Thank you all.  I suspect the water at the source is the culprit.  We had to move temporarily to another home.  Ours is being demolished and replaced.  I know the landlord has well water.  There is a filter on it, but have no ability to fix the problem.  My fish were doing great back at my house, once I got the different parameters taken care of.  I am going to try weekly water changes.  Maybe the rest will hold on until we get back in our new home or.....

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