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Does this look like slime disease?


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Hi Everyone, I was curious if I could get some opinions on the photo I've shared, I would appreciate it. I believe this is slime disease but I'm no expert and would appreciate any opinions. 

Thank You


There are two with the same symtoms but the rest of the tanks is fine. These two are in a quarantine tank now and I've been treating with 1 Tbsp of salt per 5 gal, maracyn and IckX. Left in for a week, changed water today and added same again.

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Looks like their might be two things going on it looks like your fish has ich some external parasites can cause over production of the slime coat first  I would deal with ich and treat with ick x daily and do daily water changes and up the salt to 1 table for 3 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte Loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes remember to treat for three days after you see the last spots you could also do a course of paracleanse in food to cover all bases feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 21 days @Tonyp814 IMG_20220714_201252.jpg.a504c098bc0f4bebf6f56dc93a9fd742.jpg

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I appreciate your feedback and advice, thank you. I know in the photo it looks like some ick but that Molly had been on the bottom for two days really struggling. I did a water change yesterday and some of the sand got stuck to her. Sadly she did die last night so there's one left. The main tank a week later still shows no sign of disease. I'm sharing a photo of the other Molly in treatment which is acting much better than the first. @Colu


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As they don't have Ich I still think it would  would be worth while treating all your fish with paracleanse in food I would also treat the sick fish in quarantine with a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex it treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria you can treat the tank with kanaplex while using paracleanse in food @Tonyp814

Edited by Colu
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