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Pleco scrape?

Hally M.

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I’ve had this Pleco since September. He’s been changing colors, having white patches all over his head and body. I don’t think it’s camouflage I noticed what could be a scrape on his skin which is probably the reasoning for his color changing due to stress. Should I do salt dips of some sort. He also was extremely malnourished when I got him, and is starting to look a little thin again. Should I consider internal parasites. I haven’t owned a Pleco before, I just want to make sure he gets the care he needs!


*the color changing is very recent 

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His diet consists of algae waters every day, Frozen blood worms Once a week, and zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, and broccoli mixed in throughout the week. I believe he’s a common Pleco. When I rescued him the owner didn’t know what he was exactly. 

water parameters, are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and it looks like a little less than .5 PPM for the nitrates @Colu

His normal color pattern was all black originally. He’s been hiding a lot more than usual and His fins are all clamped, but every now and than he would keep them up and I haven’t seen that in a few days. They just look loose and more limp than usual. He has the white patterns on his belly too. He still eats but not nearly as much as he was before, there’s left over food in his tank. I also doubt this could play a role in his recent behavior but I added chemical hang on back filter with his sponge filter to help with the bio lode. Not sure if that could be a factor in some weird way.B27F64DC-121E-46A1-B681-CDFBB3F0EE3C.jpeg.e8f5227be8979e143bced510bf29e733.jpeg96B7E2DB-6F6E-486F-8673-B4A6560B92E6.jpeg.e82b46d1ce2c417ade448b3a5446ec9e.jpeg

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Your water parameters and diet are fine With the symptoms your describing and damage to the fin I think it would be worth while doing a course of kanaplex with the weight loss I would  follow up with a course of paracleanse repeat ever two weeks for a total of three course of paracleanse to treat any possible parasitic infection that could be causing the weight loss @Hally M.

Edited by Colu
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