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Talk to me about Bettas and Tumors/Ulcer/Abscess


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This has been going on for a couple months. I first noticed Cosmo had a bulge on the back part of his dorsal fin. It began to grow, but was blue at first, and then turned brown. Then one day it looked like it had either ruptured or been damaged in some way. Since then, it has continued to grow back in one way or another. It's often white, but seems to keep growing and rupturing. I have treated him with Erythromycin (end of November) with no apparent affect, and more recently with doxycycline hyclate (later in December). So far, neither have seemed to make a difference, but I only treated the tank one full round with each, along with water changes. 

He still eats and it hasn't affected his swimming yet. He does hang out toward the back of the tank, below the filter more often lately. He still comes out to greet me and check on the intruder nerite snails.

Is this something that can be treated?

December 15th ~ After the first growth apparently ruptured.


December 22 ~ blue-white lump. 



Both pics are from today. There is a large white lump which makes up the back half of his dorsal fin. Sorry for the hair algae on the glass.



Water quality:


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On 1/4/2023 at 2:53 PM, Colu said:

Possible tumor or benign growth what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties  

Thank you! I'll do all this. Will the salt harm nerite snails or should I move Cosmo or the snails to a different tank during the treatment? I have an additional 10 gallon plant tank that has no fish in it (only the plants and bladder snails) I can switch either Cosmo or the snails to.

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On 1/4/2023 at 4:56 PM, bpowell487 said:

Salt will harm plants 

Good to know. I have some Java (which can be replaced) but I think I'll move the Crypts to a different tank before I add the salt. 

I got all the meds tonight so I'll start treating him tomorrow. Thanks!

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On 1/4/2023 at 11:22 PM, AndreaW said:

Good to know. I have some Java (which can be replaced) but I think I'll move the Crypts to a different tank before I add the salt. 

I got all the meds tonight so I'll start treating him tomorrow. Thanks!

Java fern also can survive brackish so there's no worry there. 

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