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Help! Betta breathing quick!


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My betta in a 10 gallon planted and is rapidly breathing. Not lethargic, swimming as normal and colors are great. Water is heated @ 80F. Healthy betta I've had for nearly a year by now while living in my fairly well agitated planted aquarium, though just now their breathing rate has increased significantly. Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrate 5ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Hardness 0ppm, Buffer 0ppm, pH 6.4, Chlorine 0ppm.


Please may someone give some sort of explanation? This is really stressing me out, and I really want to know some sort of answer.

Edited by coffee
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Hello, welcome to the forums.  Please show us the tank and if possible a video of the fish itself.  Bettas breathe air from the surface.  Apart from rapid gill movement, what other things are you seeing? 

How often do you change water, how much?

Please also let us know your filtration and any secondary equipment like airstones that you might be using.

You can add in some aquarium salt and Indian Almond Leaves (Cattapa leaves) if you have those on hand.  Those all should help with an issue like this.

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