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Great Algea Advice


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Cory had some great simple algea advice in latest stream (the importance of water changes) . If anything listen to the first 10m, spoil warning: WATER QUALITY should be your first concern when dealing with problematic algea! 


Edited by JoeQ
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On 12/19/2022 at 8:59 AM, JoeQ said:

Cory had some great simple algea advice in latest stream (the importance of water changes) . If anything listen to the first 10m, spoil warning: WATER QUALITY should be your first concern when dealing with problematic algea! 


Thank you!!!!

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On 12/20/2022 at 2:59 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Listened to this earlier because of this thread. Very interesting conversation for sure.

I kind of mislabeled with my first post, I should have labled it something like "water changes; the unheralded hero when it comes to balancing your tank!!"

Regardless,  Corey pointed out lots of points that I never even thought of. Which is good for me, this video gave me more ammunition when I rant that WATER QUALITY is the most important aspect of battling algea, and that IMO lighting should be adjusted with optimal plant growth in mind, instead of adjustimg it to deter algea growth. 

Edited by JoeQ
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On 12/20/2022 at 1:57 PM, TOtrees said:






Lmao,  thank you! Once you put it in auto select,  you end up spelling it wrong FORRRR--EVER!

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Word change
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LOL I am an Oh no algae person.  I've been keeping tanks for only a few years and still struggle with parameters and conditions.  I've been having a dreadful time recently with green dust algae in three out of four tanks.  I want (somehow) to have some algae for my beloved Mystery snails and Hillstream loaches but not nearly the dreadful mess I've got now.  I'm going to read JoeQ's blog right now!

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On 12/21/2022 at 7:14 AM, reefhugger said:

LOL I am an Oh no algae person.  I've been keeping tanks for only a few years and still struggle with parameters and conditions.  I've been having a dreadful time recently with green dust algae in three out of four tanks.  I want (somehow) to have some algae for my beloved Mystery snails and Hillstream loaches but not nearly the dreadful mess I've got now.  I'm going to read JoeQ's blog right now!

I celebrate when I can get algae  for the same reasons as you, to feed my inhabitants.  And once I actually triggered the elusive GDA in my main tank by massively over dosing Micros but days later it was gone! 😵 (posted mostly out of sarcasm) 

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On 12/21/2022 at 7:47 AM, reefhugger said:

JoeQ   I've read to just leave green dust algae, and it will run through its life cycle and die off.   Is there any merit to that?

I'm not sure, at the start of my algae journal I tackled a wall of green spot or green dust. It didn't disappear till I used nerites and plant mass (AKA built an eco system)

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