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Foamy surfacewater


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Hello my name is Mango and I've been a fish keeper for a few years now and I've had my issues every so often and usually a good cleaning will make it go away. But me and my boyfriend are dealing with a whitish Grey foam on two of my ten gallon tanks. Before any one asks I test every 3 weeks or the next day of a super cleaning. We do our maintenance once a week and we do about 50 percent. This last one was a full 90 percent because we've been fighting this foam for months now. No one has passed and one of the ten gallons has a small colony of guppies and babies with three corycats. And don't forget the evil snail army. We thought we would ask for some help here. Our parameters have been perfect. Any help would be amazing.

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Two things might help us help you:

(1) Photos?

(2) A complete explanation of what all is involved in your “super cleaning.”

My initial instinct is that these are protein bubbles. Protein bubbles are more common on saltwater setups, but the presence of excess food, a dead fish body, or very dirty filters can contribute.

I’m curious what your pH measurement is? What’s the difference between your source / tap water parameters and your aquarium numbers? 

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