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Stocking advice for a 20 gallon tall.


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In my 20 Gallon tall I have

2 breeding pairs of peacock gudgeons (I know they can be territorial, but the males are from the same clutch and I haven't had any issues.

And an adult male and female bristle nose pleco.

I am looking into adding a few more fish into it! 

I have looked at hatchet fish. Or Rams of some sort. Or any other fish sounds amazing. 

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I've secretly wanted to try breeding Peacock Gudgeons for a while now. I'd love to learn any tips you've got. Do you photograph much or film them? I'm surprised to hear about the BNPs in the tank setup. I'd worry thy might compete with the Gudgeons, eat eggs from caves, etc.

If Gudgeons are reasonably benthic (bottom dwelling), maybe try some lively top-water schooling fish would fit nicely? Brilliant Rasboras are interesting. There may be a few species of Rainbowfish that would fit the bill. Would Furcata Rainbowfish be a good choice? I've not kept with Gudgeons or Rainbows.

Hopefully you'll get more feedback. Good luck all round!


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