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guppy aggression / fighting / dominance

SC Fish

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will guppies every actually stop fighting? all the guppies in my tank are males, they have been in here fro just 1 week and 3 days and im sure it will stop eventually but im not sure how long.. they are a mix of fancy and endlers. (with other species of fish in the tank as well.)


just wondering if they will stop fighting or not. but to be honest its mainly chasing and showing their fins off than fighting and nipping.

infact i barely see nipping just chasing

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The answer is no. They will always chase each other and harasss each other. This makes for a very active tank- you do have to watch for aggression and body/fin damage. The key most of the time is to find the right balance of numbers. The more targets a fish has the less chance any one guppy or endler is harassed "to death". I have 3 Guppies (male, 1 recently passed 😞 ) and 5 Endler males. I notice that certain ones stick together and certain ones pick on particular ones- however it's not to the point of anyone getting hurt so it seems I've gotten this particular balance right- the tank has plenty of hides and plants so fish can get away when they need to. 

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On 11/2/2022 at 3:20 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

The answer is no. They will always chase each other and harasss each other. This makes for a very active tank- you do have to watch for aggression and body/fin damage. The key most of the time is to find the right balance of numbers. The more targets a fish has the less chance any one guppy or endler is harassed "to death". I have 3 Guppies (male, 1 recently passed 😞 ) and 5 Endler males. I notice that certain ones stick together and certain ones pick on particular ones- however it's not to the point of anyone getting hurt so it seems I've gotten this particular balance right- the tank has plenty of hides and plants so fish can get away when they need to. 

sorry to hgear about the guppy 😞 one of mine too passed this morning.. - details in one of my recent posts


but yes, i have 9 guppies in total so im sure this is enough for spreading the balance?

On 11/2/2022 at 3:20 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

The answer is no. They will always chase each other and harasss each other. This makes for a very active tank- you do have to watch for aggression and body/fin damage. The key most of the time is to find the right balance of numbers. The more targets a fish has the less chance any one guppy or endler is harassed "to death". I have 3 Guppies (male, 1 recently passed 😞 ) and 5 Endler males. I notice that certain ones stick together and certain ones pick on particular ones- however it's not to the point of anyone getting hurt so it seems I've gotten this particular balance right- the tank has plenty of hides and plants so fish can get away when they need to. 

right now im just watching corys new video. and he mentions how changing the temperature in the tank can make fish more docile? 

but wont this make the fish uneasy?

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On 11/2/2022 at 8:22 AM, SC Fish said:

sorry to hgear about the guppy 😞 one of mine too passed this morning.. - details in one of my recent posts


Thanks, he wasn't sick, I think he was just old. I saw your post, I was sorry to see that. I wasn't sure what it was so I didn't answer it- but there's lots of causes for bloat. 

9 could be good it's really just group dynamics. It's just like Betta fish, one can be very aggressive the other could be very mellow- same with a group- some could work out fine others can be too much. Just watch your tank, provide places for fish to hide/rest and have visual breaks in the tank. My tank also has 7 Ember Tetras, nobody harrasses them but they seem to help break up the chaos at times. It just depends. 🙂 

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On 11/2/2022 at 3:26 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Thanks, he wasn't sick, I think he was just old. I saw your post, I was sorry to see that. I wasn't sure what it was so I didn't answer it- but there's lots of causes for bloat. 

9 could be good it's really just group dynamics. It's just like Betta fish, one can be very aggressive the other could be very mellow- same with a group- some could work out fine others can be too much. Just watch your tank, provide places for fish to hide/rest and have visual breaks in the tank. My tank also has 7 Ember Tetras, nobody harrasses them but they seem to help break up the chaos at times. It just depends. 🙂 

honestly i have general idea on what caused the death, but i have no clue if im right.. all i know is that it was definitely hurt , bloated and bleeding but no clue what caused it.


as of hiding spaces, im working on getting as many plants as i can , i want the whole back of the tank to be filled of plants, but the issue is, even with the plants in the tank right now they tend to come to the front when im in the room because they want to be fed and i feed them at the front lol.


and i also have 7 tetras , but neon tetras. they dont get picked on b anything, and whenever they go through the guppies they also tend to stop

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On 11/2/2022 at 8:29 AM, SC Fish said:

as of hiding spaces, im working on getting as many plants as i can , i want the whole back of the tank to be filled of plants, but the issue is, even with the plants in the tank right now they tend to come to the front when im in the room because they want to be fed and i feed them at the front lol.

They will come to the front a lot. Mine also do this, that's ok, when I'm not there they go in and out of all the places I have in the tank for them. 

On 11/2/2022 at 8:29 AM, SC Fish said:

7 tetras , but neon tetras. they dont get picked on b anything, and whenever they go through the guppies they also tend to stop

That's exactly what I'm talking about, when the Tetras go through the group the Guppies kind of break up and then get back together again eventually.

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