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When should I move fry?

Klix Imagez

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Currently starting an Angelfish breeding project. I made 2 simple grow-out trays( like Dean's) sitting on a 75g, that the angel fry will eventually move to.

I am moving my breeding pipes to a 1-gallon jar for hatching. At what point should they be moved to the trays?  after free swimming for a bit?



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On 10/26/2022 at 3:46 PM, Klix Imagez said:

Currently starting an Angelfish breeding project. I made 2 simple grow-out trays( like Dean's) sitting on a 75g, that the angel fry will eventually move to.

I am moving my breeding pipes to a 1-gallon jar for hatching. At what point should they be moved to the trays?  after free swimming for a bit?



I personally never used trays for angelfish fry. What I do is pull the eggs when you can see their little tail or if you do not want to risk the parents eating the babies pull the eggs as soon as they finish spawning.

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I was a wimp; i let the parents do all the work of hatching the eggs and moving the frys to a leaf; i would then borrow the leaf and raise the frys. I gave up on pails; it made the fishes nervous and anti-social; so i start with a 29 and then move to a larger tank if needed. They really get upset if they can't see out.

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