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Garage sale Fish Tank


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Hello everyone well today me and my GF were doing a morning drive to our coffee shop close by our house and we noticed a house that was having a garage sale and noticed this tank so since me having that mild case of MTS we asked them how much they wanted and they said “Ahh I’ll do twenty” paid them right away and we drove off but I don’t even know what type of filtration it has seems that it’s built Internally to the the tank and there’s two tubes on each side of the tank on the bottom. Can anyone help me out and tell me what type of tank I got and if it’s a steal? I will be doing a water test on the tank in the next couple of days after I clean it up to see if there is any leaks.






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On 10/24/2022 at 1:59 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Have you got any dimensions?

Unfortnately not at the moment I am currently at work won’t be able to do the dimensions till this weekend but will post as soon I do!

On 10/24/2022 at 10:15 AM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

Looks to be acrylic with internal filtration. Assuming it holds water I think $20 is a steal

Awesome hopefully so I will be doing a major clean and water test this weekend so stoked I can’t wait! Do you know the pros and cons with internal filtration?? Any helpful tips will be great or if you can point me in the right direction it will be much appreciated 🙏🏽

On 10/24/2022 at 10:17 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Indeed, if not it could work as a Terrarium.

I will keep that in mind thank you once again!

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@FrezhFinz My only experience with internal filtration is on my tiny 3.7 cube. The pros (for me anyways) is that it’s hidden behind the false wall. I have a bunch of sponge that the water hits first, then a bunch of bio rings in the next chamber, and then the final chamber holds the return pump and the heater. 

The cons are that it’s hidden behind a false wall, lol. Because it’s back there and I never see it I basically never service it. I have WAY more sponge and media with the bio rings than I’ll ever need, but it’s out of sight out of mind and never gets touched. 

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On 10/24/2022 at 3:39 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

@FrezhFinz My only experience with internal filtration is on my tiny 3.7 cube. The pros (for me anyways) is that it’s hidden behind the false wall. I have a bunch of sponge that the water hits first, then a bunch of bio rings in the next chamber, and then the final chamber holds the return pump and the heater. 

The cons are that it’s hidden behind a false wall, lol. Because it’s back there and I never see it I basically never service it. I have WAY more sponge and media with the bio rings than I’ll ever need, but it’s out of sight out of mind and never gets touched. 

So for instance since there is going to be return pump needed to be added once I am doing my filter clean when I pulling the sponges and bio media out to clean in tank water in bucket when I pull it out will it leak into the tank since there are slits on the back wall or do a partial water change when I do that as well. Still thank you for the helpful tips and I will keep an eye out, as soon as I get working on it I’ll show you guys the build step by step!

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I would do a partial water change (to at least below the level of the slits where the water will enter the chamber), turn the return pump off, and then take out and clean your sponges/media/whatever in the water change bucket. Put your media back in, fill your water back up, and then turn your return pump back on. 

I’m super quick with my water change on my little cube so I don’t worry about the return pump as I’m only doing 1 gallon, but that’s just me. And like I said I haven’t touched my media behind the false wall in longer than I’d like to admit 

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