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Well, friends, the bubble-y water saga continues. Got home from work to find the bubbles are back. Not as bad as they were yesterday, but still not awesome. 


No water changes today, though. I don’t have the energy. Nor the will. Nor the want. We’ll leave it for now and see what happens.

I have to assume the bubbles have something to do with the dirt. It’s the only thing that’s new, and it’s the only time I’ve seen it. I guess I technically have seen it when I went overboard with the tannins, but never in a pure freshwater tank. The only other time I’ve done dirt is in my cube, which doesn’t have air or filtration. Always learning something!

I turned up the co2 another notch, too. The drop checker turned a different shade of blue, but not close to green. So, up another notch she goes.

We’ll see where we sit tomorrow when I get home, and then we’ll take it from there.

Cheers, friends.


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Guess who’s back? Back again. Bubbles back. Tell a friend. 

Ya, the bubbles are back like I never did all this water changes. 


The important part is that it doesn’t seem to be affecting the snails. They’re just still cruising around keeping the tank cycled. 

co2 is more dialed in today. Definitely a bit green, but not quite like green. I might turn it up just a bit. The co2 has 2 more hours to go, so before I mess with it I just wanna see what happens. 

Shrimp in the Tupperware are fine. I was really hoping to get rid of the bubbles before adding them back to the tank. We’ll continue to assess over the coming days. While I don’t love them just chilling in a Tupperware, I also know that they should be fine. 

I might be able to do a water change on Tuesday. Wednesday we’ll basically drain the tank and refill. Those bubbles will go away, I’m sure. The question right now is just, when?

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The bubble saga continues, but I actually had the will today to do a water change. Just one, though. As hopeful as I was the last time I did 3, it probably was the same as if I just did the one. Also helps that tomorrow is maintenance day, so I will drain the tank again to about 1” of water and then fill her back up. 

I pulled out the entire sponge filter and rinsed it all out again. I don’t think that’s where the problem stems from, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. 

I really think it’s just from the dirt and/or tannins coming from the dirt. Here’s what the water looked like in a white bucket:


Considering this is the first time I’ve really gone all in on dirt in a tank that also has air, I feel pretty confident that’s the variable here making this weird bubble foam. 

Bubbles looked like this immediately upon turning the air pump back on:


Not as bad as it was prior to the water change, but also not where it needs to be. We’ll just have to keep water changing our way through it and let the tank settle and balance. 

The good news is that the snails don’t seem to care. I also added the shrimp back to the tank yesterday and they’re still cruising around, seemingly un phased, so I’ll take that for what it’s worth. 

Turned up the co2 ever-so-slightly to try to hit that lime green sweet spot. 

Maybe I’ll throw some plants in here tomorrow. Maybe I won’t. I don’t really think the plants would “harm” anything, and in fact, they might be beneficial to helping the tank balance. Who knows. Maybe you’ll see a picture tomorrow of the 3 or 4 Crypts being placed so they can continue converting and start eating that sweet, sweet dirt at the bottom of the tank. 

Cheers, homies. Until tomorrow!

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It’s Wednesday, and it’s been an interesting one…

Water changed everything as normal. Got all the small tanks done, which was nice as it left the 20 long as the last. I decided to go for it and got her all planted up today! Pics to come later on that. 

Got all the small tank tools cleaned up and moved onto the bigger tanks. Cleaned the HOB on the 55 grow out tank, and then proceeded down the line. I decided today was time to clean all the HOB media. Was doing my thing, trying to grab filter media out of a filter, my girl was talking to me about an appointment she has coming up, and then I went to check on the Pea Puffer tank that was filling up. It’s a good thing I did as that bad boy was spilling water over the top! I immediately cut the water, grabbed a bunch of towels, and started to clean everything up. I think that’s only the second or third time I’ve ever done that in over 4 years. Sooooo annoying and I always feel like an idiot. This is one of the reasons I always stick to a routine and do things the same way. 

It wasn’t a giant disaster, and my neighbors downstairs didn’t come up asking where the flood was coming from, so I’ll take that as a win. Just super annoying and makes me feel like an idiot. Not sure if I had the water on a little higher than normal, or if I was just distracted and trying to do too much. Oh well. Things happen. Time to move on. 

Here’s the 20 long all planted up:






I really dig it. I like the different hues of greens and the different textures between the Buce and Anubias. I think it’s going to look incredible when everything really grows in, especially the Crypts! Still have a little bubble issue, but whatever. I’m hoping the plants help and we’ll continue to water change as necessary.

I also thought this was a cool picture from today:


This is in the 29 gallon blackwater tank. This Anubias has been in here since the beginning, and I honestly forget about it behind everything else. To my surprise, I noticed it was flowering today. Pretty cool.

Tomorrow I think we’re gonna go to the LFS that’s a RPP store. I want to pick up 2 medium sponge filters. One will go into the Pea Puffer tank to replace the large sponge (I just simply hate the large size and I’m over it) and the other will replace the small in the 20 high. I’m looking forward to having that done, and it’s always a fun store to stroll through.

I also think I’m going to get a glass lid for the 20 long. I have a decent chunk cut out where I used to have some filtration, and if I go with Pencilfish in that tank, they’ll just jump straight out that hole. Definitely gotta fix that problem. 

Another thing I’ve been thinking about is what I wanna do with the 55 gallon grow out tank, considering it might not still Be a grow out tank in the future. I’m not set in any direction, but it’s fun to think about. For now, I need to move all the Angels in there, and that’s gonna take a bit of time. I have some thoughts, but I also wanna spawn the Borellii… We’ll see, but it is fun to think about what I could do with a new 55 gallon tank. 

Super fun to have the 20 long planted and moving in the right direction! Now we just let them settle in and blow up with the co2 and dirt!


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On 8/28/2024 at 9:38 PM, Woowala said:

If it's getting better I'd just keep doing what I was doing too.

Yesterday into today seemed better than the previous couple of days, so I’ll take that as a positive sign we’re getting somewhere. Also doesn’t seem to be bothering the shrimp or snails. Gonna keep rolling with it until I see a reason not to!

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Went by one of the LFS’s today that’s an RPP store. Always fun taking a lap around that place, and it’s even more fun to see their Coop and Coop adjacent items. 

I saw some Hummingbird Tetras today. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen them in a store. They also had some Congo Tetras (they usually do) but this time they printed out a picture of one grown and colored up and slapped it on the tank. I thought that was a good idea. 

I picked up 2 Medium sponge filters with Easy Flow included for $8.99. I replaced the small sponge in the 20 high, and the large sponge in the 29 Pea Puffer tank. At this point, most tanks are now on mediums. I’ll never buy a large again, and I have spare smalls if I ever need them. Should be set at this point. 


I also noticed they started carrying Xtreme and I got the deal of the century on Xtreme Nano. 20oz size for $23.99!! That’s currently listed on the ACO site for $47.99. I assume it was just labeled wrong, but there was no way I was passing up that deal. I needed to buy it soon anyways, so I simply just got that lucky. 


At this point, the only thing I really ever need to order from ACO is plants. And I guess Complete. The RPP store has Xtreme, Brine Shrimp Eggs, Easy Green, Easy Iron, Root Tabs, Sponge Filters, lights (for now), branded super glue, etc. I’m pretty sure if ACO carries it they sell it. Pretty rad that I can go 40 minutes away and get what I need instead of having to order and wait for it.

I also had a Temu order show up, and I bought a few aquarium things that I’m liking so far. 


I’m really enjoy this feeder for the Nano Pellets. It’s labeled at 0.5 grams, but I haven’t tested that. What I do know is that it works out nicely. Turn the bad boy over the tank, and give a squeeze or three. I would buy more of these if I fed other pellet foods. 


I picked up a couple of these digital display thermometers. They stick to the outside of the tank, and have a small probe on the back. So far so good, and I would buy these again if I wanted more. 


I picked up this 1” thick fine filter pad. I really like this, too! I think I’ll be able to rinse it out and have it last longer than Polyfil. I would definitely buy this again.


Last, but certainly not least, I bought these pieces of Spiderwood. They’re small accent pieces, and I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to get. I’m not mad at them, but I wouldn’t buy them again. 

I have a different order I’m waiting on that includes an algae scraper with a blade. I found that on special for $11. I couldn’t pass that up, and I’m excited to try it when it gets here. I’m looking forward to using it on the 55 that has some tough algae on the inside glass that a normal scraper (without the blade) can’t get rid of. 

Finally, I wanted to share some fish you may not expect eating algae. I sprayed down both the small and large sponges that came out of their respective tanks, and the Easy Flow kits, with hydrogen peroxide. I let that sit for about 5 minutes, and then put them both in the 55 grow out tank. Almost immediately, both the Platy’s and the Angels started picking at the algae. I’ve seen it before, but never snapped any pictures, but this time I did. 


It’s hard to get them obviously picking at it in a picture, so these will have to do. 

I have a bigger, but still pretty small, internal filter on the way for the 20 long. I’m looking forward to setting that up when it gets here and seeing if I can really dial in the co2. 

I hope you’re having as much fun with your tanks as I am, friends! One of these days things will be absolutely dialed in. And then I’ll probably be bored, lol. 

Cheers, homies. 

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Spent some time admiring the new tank this evening. It’s pretty fun to watch “basic” plants pearl. Check out these oxygen bubbles hanging out on this Anubias:


Always a good time. I love that you can see the bubbles in the top of the leaves, on the edge of the leaves, etc. I also love the lime green against the dark green veins. 

I’m still waiting on the new internal filter for this tank. Was supposed to be delivered by 10pm last night. Then by 10pm tonight. Now it’s marked “running late, but still coming”. It looks like the package left the carrier facility again, so hopefully it shows up tomorrow. I think the filter being more powerful (and I can turn it down) while also having a longer spraybar will give me exactly what I’m looking for. I want to evenly distribute the co2 across this tank and see where the drop checker and pH pen gets me before I turn up the co2 any further. I feel like I’m right on the edge, and if I can just distribute and/or keep the bubbles in suspension just a little bit longer we’ll be right there in that sweet spot. 

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Exciting times! So cool to see the old faithful anubias living its best life out there!

Off topic question - in your other tanks that aren’t dirted, do you ever have to put root tabs in? Like the 55 (I think) with the massive swords going gangbusters! Does the fish poop take care of that or are you plugging in root tabs all the time?😂

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On 9/1/2024 at 1:54 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Off topic question - in your other tanks that aren’t dirted, do you ever have to put root tabs in? Like the 55 (I think) with the massive swords going gangbusters! Does the fish poop take care of that or are you plugging in root tabs all the time?😂

Excellent question! I used to plug root tabs in there. At this point, the years of mulm without gravel vaccing feeds all the Swords and the Jungle Val

Keep in mind that sword is 4 years old. I had it in my 29 for a long time, and then it basically engulfed that whole tank, and I moved it up to the 55. 

Every once in a while I would put a root tab or 2 down there, but it has been a loooong time since I shoved any in there. So long that I couldn’t even tell you the last time I put some in there. Over a year, maybe?

That being said, it might be time to supplement it just a bit. I was just thinking the other day that it has been a hot minute since that bad girl shot out any babies. While it throws new leaves and I regularly pluck old leaves off, I bet some root tabs would have us shooting out some baby swords. Right now, though, the years of mulm seem to keep it pretty balanced where it’s still growing well and doing its thing. 

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After frustrations, annoyances, voicemails, cancelled orders, replaced orders, and a tiny bit more patience the new internal filter is here! And I’m already returning it! Lmaoooooo!

This Hygger filter is rated at 120 gph. It’s also at least two times bigger than the Nicrew filter I intended to replace. However, it’s not even as powerful as the Nicrew that’s rated at 53 gph. 

I thought maybe I packed it too full of Polyfil, but no matter how much I took out the filter just wasn’t pushing water. The co2 bubbles weren’t even making it halfway across the tank. Such a bummer, lol. 

And then it dawned on me. I bought a second Nicrew filter a couple of weeks back as it’s only $10, and I thought the original one might be going out. I’ve had to tap it a couple of times to get the impeller moving, so I picked up a backup. I installed the second filter in the tank, and I’m getting exactly what I want. At least from a function perspective. 

The co2 rises from the diffuser, and gets pushed down and across the tank. The second filter is about halfway up the tank (vertically), so it catches the bubbles and continues to push the co2 across the tank. I’m now getting a nice, even distribution across the tank, which is exactly what I was going for.

Aesthetically, it’s not my favorite, but it will do for now. At bare minimum, it should demonstrate that I can get the 30ppm/1 pH drop/amount of co2 I’m going for in this tank without more co2 out of the diffuser, and instead focusing on distribution of the co2 and keeping it suspended longer. 

For now, it works. And seems to work well. Maybe I’ll continue to look for a bigger/single filter. Maybe I’ll just let the Crypts grow in and hide this filter. It’s not terrible, but it’s not as good as it could be. 

Full tank shot. It’s not a glaring eyesore, but it’s not as hidden as the filter in the top right corner. 


A little closer up. Again, not bad, but not as good as it could be. 

The pursuit of excellence continues, my friends!

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On 9/1/2024 at 10:02 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

After frustrations, annoyances, voicemails, cancelled orders, replaced orders, and a tiny bit more patience the new internal filter is here! And I’m already returning it! Lmaoooooo!

This Hygger filter is rated at 120 gph. It’s also at least two times bigger than the Nicrew filter I intended to replace. However, it’s not even as powerful as the Nicrew that’s rated at 53 gph. 

I thought maybe I packed it too full of Polyfil, but no matter how much I took out the filter just wasn’t pushing water. The co2 bubbles weren’t even making it halfway across the tank. Such a bummer, lol. 

I had someone who I was helping setup a shrimp tank get one of those double sponge + pump filters in a 15G aquarium.  It didn't even have the strength to push water out of the uplift tube and didn't have enough flow to grow bacteria.  Definitely a good call.  They swittched to air power, 3-4 days later we have bacteria and cycle starting.

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Put in quite a bit of work on the tanks today. Trimmed the cube, ripped a bunch of PSO out of the Pea Puffer tank, installed new filters, cleaned air collars, cleaned a few sponges, and put some fine filter pad in one of the HOB’s. I saved servicing the canister filter for next week. Needs to be done, but it will be fine waiting one more week. Have to get it done next week, though, as the following week we will be on vacation. 

The cube after the trim. I love the Amano to the front munching on a Shrimpee stick. 


The Pea Puffer tank thinned out. That PSO was just a giant clump taking up the majority of the tank. I ripped so much out, lol. It’ll grow back, I’m sure. I also dialed h the light down to 50%. I have a filter coming in tomorrow that I think I’m going to try in here. 


The 10 gallon in the bedroom cruising right along. The Sicce filter is fine, but I won’t buy another one. Gonna keep playing with it for a few weeks, but honestly these Nicrew internal filters are awesome. 


The 20 long in all her glory. I replaced the 2 Nicrew 53 gph filters with a single 100 gph and I love it. It’s exactly what I want. It’s pushing co2 all the way to the other side of the tank without being a menace. It’s just a bigger version of the 53 gph filter. 

The filter I have coming in tomorrow is the same filter, just the biggest version. 185 gph model if I remember correctly. This Nicrew line is just awesome for my needs. 

The Sicce in the 10 gallon will probably be replaced with a Nicrew 53 gph. The Pea Puffer tank is gonna test the 185 GPH model, and the 100 gph will stay on the 20 long. If you need an internal filter, I definitely recommend this Nicrew line. 

Cheers, homies. Just trying to get things in a good place to go relax on a Mexican beach for 5 days. Counting down the days until we’re in paradise. 

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The 185 gph version came in, and going right back lol. Simply put, it’s just too much for this tank. Would be great for a 55 or 75, but for this 29 it’s just too much. I even tried switching out the impeller and it was still a bit much. 

So, I took the existing filter and cleaned her up. Took out the impeller, scrubbed everything down, removed half of the fine filter pad, and now we’re back to where we wanna be. Co2 is flowing around the tank, but the Val at the front isn’t toppled over and looking wild. 

At this point I just need to buy another 20 oz co2 canister and get that filled up. I think the 20 oz tank will last me about 10 weeks, so I still have plenty of time. 

I was gonna say I’m done buying and testing aquarium stuff for a while, but I know that’s a lie. I think I can say aquarium equipment. Cory mentioned ACO dechlorinator dropping soon, and I need to buy some dechlorinator soon so that should work out nicely. Super curious to check that out, and I look forward to other products they’ll continue to make available!

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Tuning in early this week with probably post 1 of 2. 

Splitting the maintenance up this week as we have other things to do, yet maintenance is critical this week as we are on vacation next week. 

This morning I focused on all the small tanks. Got those all water changed, and cleaned out several of the air collars. 

Tomorrow I will do all the bigger tanks, including cleaning filters (sponges, air collars, internal filters, canister, etc) just to be sure they’re operating correctly when nobody has eyes on them. 

We’re about to head out to an appointment, and then we’re headed to Red Rocks to see Sum 41’s final show in CO 🤘. Should be a good time!

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On 8/29/2024 at 9:33 PM, AllFishNoBrakes said:

I’ll never buy a large again,

Yeah I found the small fits my 20 long best because of the height. I have a spare small in a drawer and currently a medium in the 40 gallon breeder that is getting ready for fish. I have a large to try in that 40 gallon breeder that I think might work a bit better for that tank. Otherwise, if I don't like that, I'll throw a second medium in there and save the large for if I ever get a larger tank like a 55 gallon. 

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On 9/13/2024 at 9:46 AM, Retrophyllum_minus said:

Otherwise, if I don't like that, I'll throw a second medium in there and save the large for if I ever get a larger tank like a 55 gallon. 

I changed all my larges, even in tanks as big as 55 gallons, to mediums. 

Getting the large sponge filter into a gallon sized bag is just such a pain. Such a pain! I’ll gladly take my mediums and need to squeeze them out a couple more times per year. 

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On 9/13/2024 at 5:18 PM, Retrophyllum_minus said:

Alrighty then. I suppose I'll just stick that large in a drawer and hang onto it for some distant future. Haha.

Lol. I would encourage you to try it and see if it’s right for you. They just weren’t right for me. No matter how hard I hoped they were right for me. 

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We’re back with post 2 of 2 before we leave the country and get some MUCH needed rest and relaxation. 

Yesterday I did all the big tanks. Normal water changes, and in addition I cleaned almost all the filters. I cleaned both sponges and air collars in the 55. I also cleaned the large intake sponge on the HOB, and the fine sponge inside the hob. I cleaned the air collar and the sponge in the Pea Puffer tank, as well as the internal filter in that tank. I cleaned the air collar and sponge in the 29 Blackwater, as well as cleaned and serviced the canister filter. I cleaned the air collar and sponge in the 55, as well as the pre filter sponge on the HOB. I cleaned the air collar and sponge in the 20 high, as well as the pre filter sponge on the HOB. Lots of squeezing filters, but I’m feeling good about being out of the country for a few days. 

On Monday I may do a couple of water changes (the cube and the 20 long), and then I’ll top off a few tanks (aquaponics tank, 55 gallon grow out, and Pea Puffer tank for sure). I managed and put in all the work necessary to skip town and not worry about it. 

Some people may not advise to service their filters prior to leaving, but here’s my thought. I would rather know that everything is cleaned out and should function as normal/not clog up whatsoever instead of running the risk of something clogging up and choking off. I service filters and continue to feed all the time when I’m home, so I feel super confident in cleaning filters and then not feeding for 4-5 days. Should be no problem!

I really can’t wait to get away and just take a breath and relax. My girl has never been out of the country, and it has been a long time for me. She loves water and swimming, and while being wet isn’t my favorite thing (I know, weird considering all the water I have around me) I absolutely love it when it comes to the ocean or the lake. Couple more days and then we’re out of here!!

Some pics from this week:

Anubias sending up a flower in the 20 long. I really hope it opens before we leave. If not, I’m sure I’ll see it when we get back. 


10 gallon Blackwater definitely took on some tannins from the most recent round of Indian Almond Leaves. I’m really enjoying this tank, and it will be even more fun when I get the Chili Rasboras in here. I may swap the Sicce internal pump for one of the little Nicrew ones I have. I don’t hate the pump, but it’s not polishing the water like I know the Nicrew pump can. 


Lavender (at least I think it’s lavender) roots have grown out of the pot, through the media, and down the drain of the aquaponics tray and into the tank. I’m loving it. 

Cheers, homies. Enjoy your tanks, and don’t work too hard. It’s okay to take a break sometimes. I know I’m looking forward to the one I have coming in just a couple of days!

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As I was feeding tonight I noticed I have another Anubias flowering in the 10 gallon Blackwater tank. 

You’ll have to excuse the baby brine shrimp in the upper left corner, but I always love to see when an Anubias flowers! I still haven’t figured out what exactly triggers it, but I always love when I see it. So cool to have aquatic flowers, and it lets me know the Anubias is happy <3. 


I also noticed that this Aponogeton is sprouting up through the holes in the Cholla wood! It’s hard to get a solid pic of the leaf in the front coming through the hole, but I captured it as best I could.

Additionally, this tank has gotten dark with tannins and I absolutely love it. Still considering replacing the Sicce filter with a Nicrew. But, we’ll wait to make that change after we get back from Mexico. I do like the Sicce filter, but it’s just not polishing the water like I had hoped. Maybe the Nicrew can get it to where I want it to be, and then the Sicce can just maintain. 

I also bought another Kasa camera and got that installed in the bedroom so I can keep an eye on all the tanks while we’re out of the country. While it probably wasn’t necessary, the $22 I spent is well worth it for the peace of mind while we’re away. 

Cheers to a Mexican getaway full of salty oceans, pools, tequila and mezcal, incredible food, and having lasting memories for me and my girlfriend. ¡Vamanos!

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How it started:


How it’s going:


A year progress shot on the 29 Blackwater tank. I’ve been chatting with my cousin and she asked me if I had any new fish. This got me looking back on some pictures. So fun to see where I was a year ago vs where I’m at now. 

This tank used to be hella cloudy as the little internal filter couldn’t keep up with the breaking down botanicals and tannins. Swapped that for a canister. Sponge filter now has air collar and an easy flow kit. The Anubias in the back right is still in there, just behind the PSO jungle. It recently flowered. Java Fern has grown tons and actually has had some successful babies. Swords have really grown up. And the Anubias and Buce on the left weren’t even in the tank yet. 

It’s wild what a year can do!

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We’re hopping on a plane tomorrow, but I’ll leave you with these pictures of Anubias pearling in the 20 long. These shots were taken about 30 minutes after co2 had stopped for the night, and about 30 minutes prior to the lights turning off. 



Basically an identical picture, but look how much different the leaves look. They’re a completely different shade of green. A slight angle can make all the difference. 


If you take a look under the hood it’s a whole different story. Check out how big some of those bubbles are!

¡Adios, amigos! ¡Tenga una buena semana!

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