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Chris's Fishes Fish Room Journal


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On 3/6/2023 at 8:23 PM, Theplatymaster said:

@Chrisi think its pretty cool you have freshwater and saltwater, when often the 2 hobbies are divided.

Can you please explain to me ( someone that knows practically nothing on saltwater) the major differences between the 2?

There really isn't much of a difference, especially if you're just talking about fish. The same basic principles apply to both - good water quality, good food, and keep disease to a minimum. 

I mean there ARE differences - but there's nothing in the saltwater world that doesn't have a direct comparison in freshwater. 

Picking lighting for corals isn't all that different from complex planted tank lighting. You test for the same compounds in the nitrogen cycle, albeit you're typically shooting for much lower values with nitrate and phosphate. If you keep hard corals, you'll probably need to dose minerals to keep their skeletons growing, much like some plans require extra iron, potassium, etc. 

Treating disease is a different ballgame. QT tanks are almost a 100% must. You can't treat most diseases in a tank with inverts, because most medicines that treat marine parasites and such will also kill coral and other inverts. 

But, really, it's not harder, and it's not usually all that much more expensive. 

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Saw some green poop in the 20 long - means the goldfish is cleaning house like want him to! 


I also just happened to see two fry out at once in the swordtail tank. I think one of them is newborn - a bit smaller and no color on that one. 


And here's the other, older one:


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First things first - lots of swordtail fry! Or, rather, about 7. I saw the adults fighting over a tiny corpse, which was disturbing. Happy thoughts, though, right? 


I snapped a couple pics of my orange Neos in the Ginga guppy tank



And finally, the Pico saltwater tank. The palys are closed up, I think because that hermit crab to the left was disturbing them


The gorgonian has better polyp extension today, but still not great. Maybe like 60% there? 


Finally, the Caulerpa is loving life. Note the new, white growth at the tips 


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Added a handful of new shells for the hermit crabs to the puffer tank this morning. This guy was giving me a look like he really needed a new place. I guess the lease rules in his current shell are pretty strict. 


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Gorgonian looks WAY better today. Still not 100%, but getting there! 


Sorry for the zoomed in pic, but I'm really enjoying filling this Krib tank out. Ive been adding something every day. I threw a teeny crypt lucens in the left foreground, stuck some anubias gold coin in the rocks, and am considering some Val or something behind the rock work. I also need a plant in the center to block the heater and filter... Tiger lotus, maybe? 


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Got some goodies for the little Pico "reef"! 

As the last pic showed, item #1 was a Pom-Pom crab. This little one has both anemones still on its claws, and looks nice and healthy. 


I also got two nerites to help out with the glass cleaning, and moved the last hermit crab in the tank to the puffer tank to avoid snail murder. 


And finally, I picked up a green cabbage leather. The green isn't super obvious with this light, but I'll see if I can't get a better picture. A cool soft coral, regardless. 


All said and done, I spent about $60. Not too terribly expensive - this particular store is pretty close to online pricing, really. 


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Took a pic of the cabbage leather with the built-in moonlights last night. 


This morning, he had shriveled up overnight:


And then an hour after lights on, he was back to normal:


Pretty cool reminder that corals are animals, not plants - they move! 

Oh, and I spotted the Pom Pom crab this morning, too. I'll try to feed it tonight or tomorrow. 


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On 3/12/2023 at 8:07 PM, Theplatymaster said:

that shrimp may be saltwater,

but its adorable. 😍


Thanks! They're awesome. I used to have one that'd clean my hand. 

They're brave little things - he's been out in the open since he went into the tank. I fed him an Xtreme krill flake with some tongs and he took it immediately. I gave the Pom Pom crab the same thing. No issues. 


Top-down shot of the ricordea. 

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On 3/12/2023 at 8:50 PM, Theplatymaster said:

ive seen an article a while ago about a teenager that had a reef shrimp clean his teeth.

do the pom pom crabs come with their little friends, or do you need to just have the anemones in the tank?

They usually come with both anemones. Sometimes they'll lose them in captivity, so I made sure I picked one out that had both. If they lose them, they can still survive in captivity, they're just less efficient at eating microbes because they use the anemones as "mops". I've heard they'll pick up small, anemone-like objects (corals and algae), but never seen it myself. 

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First things first - I heard back from the listing agent of the home we're buying, and they're agreeing to do the work the home needs! Closing will be in a couple weeks. I may just be getting that bigger fish room after all! 

I walked in this morning and saw that the cleaner shrimp had molted. 


He's doing just fine, though, as far as I can tell. 


I'm noticing the palys reaching for light... I may move them up on the rock a bit. They'll likely take over, but hey, whatever floats their boat! 


I'd also like to report that the goldfish's work in the krib tank is complete. Remember how much hair algae was in this tank like three weeks ago? 


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On 3/17/2023 at 2:04 PM, Theplatymaster said:

are those new fish in the back?

what kinds are they?

Just the one fish! 

He was listed as an assorted clown goby. Kind of a "dirty" peach color. I think he's probably a variant of a Citron goby, so really close to a clown goby. Either way, a great fit for a small tank because they're rock-dwelling and don't eat much. Also picked up a pink zoa frag, but it's still closed. 

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On 3/17/2023 at 2:13 PM, Chris said:

He was listed as an assorted clown goby. Kind of a "dirty" peach color. I think he's probably a variant of a Citron goby, so really close to a clown goby. Either way, a great fit for a small tank because they're rock-dwelling and don't eat much. Also picked up a pink zoa frag, but it's still closed. 

so whats the grumpy fellow next to the goby?

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On 3/17/2023 at 2:49 PM, Theplatymaster said:

im pretty sure you've got a hitchhiking egg in on a plant a while ago then.



Looks like a face, but it definitely isn't lol. That Macroalgae growing out of its "mouth" is proof enough

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