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Is this usable?


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I ordered some general cure and nitrate test kits along with 2 40 lbs boxes of kitty litter online. They decided to package the fish stuff with one of the litter boxes which caused them to get crushed. One of the kits seems fine but the other I don't think should be used?  What do you think? I did check and I actually only ordered 1 kit but they sent 2 so if at least one is functional I'm fine with not contacting them. I want to make sure at least 1 is tho. Ik this company's customer service is great so I don't doubt they would replace it. 

In addition, would you trust the general cure too?

The most crushed kit box and the general cure box



The state of the bottles from the most crushed kit. I'm assuming these aren't worth using



The other test kit I'm assuming is fine. Some slight warping of the box but contents seem fine. 









Edited by Cinnebuns
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I have one guess on where it was purchased from..... 

I would not trust either and ask for a refund / replacement.  The photos you have enough are enough to tell me that the item was damaged in shipping. You can run a test if you need to, but long term don't trust it.  Meds, if they got soaked, definitely don't use them at all. If it is just the box was crushed, you're ok, but I would expect that if the liquid seeped into the packaging there's a high risk of contamination with some unknown liquid reagent.

On 9/1/2022 at 12:47 PM, FLFishChik said:

I personally, wouldn’t trust the nitrate test. It’s got to be shaken vigorously as it is to distribute the chemicals uniformly in the suspension. If it leaked, the ratios are now off. But, that’s me.

Totally forgot about this. YEP! Definitely frustrating.

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