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Cherry Barb Ich advice


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I have a 40 Breeder, moderate to heavily planted. Stocking is 5 Honey Gourami, 4 Hillstream Loaches, and 10 Cherry barbs.

I bought 6 of the cherry barbs from Petco about six weeks ago and quarantined them in a separate 10 gallon for a month and used the quarantine trio. They were healthy and active the whole time, with lots of chasing. I added them to my display tank last week, and the next day they showed white spots that spread to the other cherry barbs, so I started dosing Ich X. The white spots never spread to  my gouramis and loaches, who have been acting normally the whole time. Meanwhile, the cherry barbs are hiding in a corner with clamped fins and white spots and ignoring food, as shown in the attached images.

After a week of dosing Ich X  1 tsp per 10 gallons and doing 30% water changes every day, I'm wondering if this isn't ich, especially since my other fish have no spots and are acting normally. Any thoughts?


pH is 7.5, ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is ~5 (usually higher for my plants, but with all the water changes it's really low), temp is 75.




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I can barely, barely see ich on the tail in the second photo.  The photos are very small and I can't really zoom in too much. 

Keep in mind that you have barbs, typically this is a lower temp tank and the fish can be pretty sensitive to temp in general. My barbs got ich and it took me a little bit in order to get the temp up, then to get the ich to cycle. I was treating for 3-4 weeks instead of the typical 1-2.

I used salt, temp, and ich-X to treat mine.

How are you treating ich?  I assume only ich-X because of the plants, no salt? What is the temp at normally, did you raise it to treat the disease and increase the cycle time so the ich can be killed?

On 8/25/2022 at 9:38 PM, Rekin said:


pH is 7.5, ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is ~5 (usually higher for my plants, but with all the water changes it's really low), temp is 75

You'd want to push it up to 78 as a minimum to try to treat it.  After you "don't see spots" for 24-48 hours, then you'd follow up with treatment for 3 days.


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