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Hello from Western Kentucky


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Hello! I’ve been in and out of fish-keeping here in Western Kentucky since I was a kid. I’ll be 49 in October and have finally been able to get the fish and tanks that I’ve always wanted.

I discovered Cory on YouTube in 2018 after being out of the hobby for years and my wife saw how much I enjoyed the videos and remembered the aquariums early in our marriage and how much I loved them. So, she bought me a 10 Gallon for Christmas that year and here we are now! Lol!

I have a 40 gallon breeder with African Cichlids. This is the most recent addition for me. I’ve only had them for about a year now and I really enjoy them. They are full of personality!

I have the 20 gallon long that is my community tank. It has swordtails, tetras, German blue rams, platys, corys, a dwarf cichlid and a couple of flag fish.

I just redid my 10 gallon about a month ago. I started with tiger barbs and a nerite snail and today I bought the cherry barns.

I am itching to get a 55 or 75 gallon next to upgrade my cichlids to a higher tank and change out my 40 gallon to a community tank for larger tetras and maybe some full size gouramis.





Edited by kcochran
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On 8/11/2022 at 5:17 PM, smm333 said:

Your tanks are gorgeous! I love the cichlids. They look like tropical fish with all the amazing colors!

Thank you! They are my favorite. I've wanted some for years! I've always thought they were the prettiest of the tropical fish. They are wildly curious too. Anytime I clean their tank they aren't scared. They come right up to my hand and peck at me the whole time. lol

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On 8/16/2022 at 6:49 PM, Rebecca M said:

Those are lovely tanks, and I like the way you’ve managed to get all three stacked up in that small footprint! Clever!

Thank you! I only had room for one stand in our living room, so I figured I needed to maximize my space! Lol! Needless to say my wife was surprised when I told here I was going to build a stand for my 20 gallon and ended up building this one!

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