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Guppy Hospital


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I have 3 guppies who have been in a hospital tank for almost a month. 1 had fin rot and 2 were rescues attacked by a betta. I had full dose salt in the tank for a few weeks and have been reducing the salinity with water changes over the past 2 weeks. I kinda wanna put these 3 guppies back in the main tank but I have 2 concerns. 

1.  The yellow one with fin rot still has some ripped parts of his tail. 

2.  The guy who got it the worst of the betta still doesn't have much of his tail. Some has regrown but it's gonna take a long time. My concern here is when I put him in the main tank a week ago, he decided to take on the top ranking male immediately. This ofc would be worked out eventually but I'm concerned about nipping what little tail he has left.

I took video of the blue one because it's hard to get a pic to accurately show his tail. I have no concerns with putting the red one back other than that he's been buddy buddy with yellow and I feel like the 3 in general get along amazingly.


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@Cinnebuns do you have any of those hang on breeder boxes?  If you are wanting to get rid of the QT tank for space or something those are a pretty good option, especially for the betta.

I would try to give them more time to make a full recovery.  If there is any gram negative stuff remaining somehow it might spread or cause some further issues for you.  If you're confident that isn't an issue, then I would just give them 2-4 more weeks just to recover and give yourself an easier time to monitor them. 

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On 7/27/2022 at 1:09 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

@Cinnebuns do you have any of those hang on breeder boxes?  If you are wanting to get rid of the QT tank for space or something those are a pretty good option, especially for the betta.

I would try to give them more time to make a full recovery.  If there is any gram negative stuff remaining somehow it might spread or cause some further issues for you.  If you're confident that isn't an issue, then I would just give them 2-4 more weeks just to recover and give yourself an easier time to monitor them. 

I don't have a betta. The person I rescued them from had the betta in question. 

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On 7/26/2022 at 11:50 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I don't have a betta. The person I rescued them from had the betta in question. 

Sorry, I missed the whole "attacked by a betta" part.  My mistake!


On 7/26/2022 at 9:18 PM, Cinnebuns said:

The guy who got it the worst of the betta still doesn't have much of his tail.

This one hit my dyslexia hard 😂

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A little rag tag bunch lets hope they have learnt their lessons about fighting with the big kids. 

Yellow looks  great and some tails never heal completely whole again so I would have no worries plopping that one back and the others are all swimming well and in some ways they have less tail to get nipped so they might be a harder target. I would probably add them in on an evening I had plenty of time to check on them just in case they got all scrappy again. 


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On 7/27/2022 at 12:18 AM, Cinnebuns said:

1.  The yellow one with fin rot still has some ripped parts of his tail. 

2.  The guy who got it the worst of the betta still doesn't have much of his tail. Some has regrown but it's gonna take a long time. My concern here is when I put him in the main tank a week ago, he decided to take on the top ranking male immediately. This ofc would be worked out eventually but I'm concerned about nipping what little tail he has left.

1. The tail might heal a little bit, but guppy life spans are too short to recover chunky fin damage.

2. If you dump a guppy into a new tank they tend to 'reassess' the pecking order. It's not just males, females can do it too.
They don't normally do damage. It's just an assertion of dominance.

I'd dump them back in and observe. They might scrap a bit, but the damaged one should get the hint that he's not a boss any more and ease off.
Put a little food in the tank before mixing them back together. That'll distract them from the new fish.

It also helps if you have extra hiding places. Floating plants are convenient to dump in if you have them.

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