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New Firemouth not eating/hiding


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I have a 55g that I’m slowly stocking up. Currently have 3 boesemanis, 1 convict, 1 Firemouth and 5 small albino corys. I added the Firemouth and boesemanis at the same time 4 days ago. The Firemouth is the largest of the group as they are all pretty young. From the moment I put him in the tank, he swam behind the scape and hid by a rock under some driftwood. He came out for a few moments later the first day but I haven’t seen him out since. He’s dug a nice bed under the driftwood and does not come out. I know this can be normal for Firemouths but my concern is that he’s not getting any food. The boesmanis and convict are very active and good eaters so very little, if any, food gets to the Firemouth. I’ve decided that today I would try direct feeding him some brine or bloodworms via a baster. He hasn’t been picked on at all and like I said is the largest of the group….any suggestions on how to get him more active in the community? Maybe add more firemouths? I’m at a loss. Thanks for any help. 

Edited by Japes
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@Japes welcome to the forum.

I've never had one of these fish but recently got a Bolivian Ram from another fish keeper and have started to understand more Cichlid behavior. My Bolivian had a hard time adjusting in a quarantine tank- he did eat- which yours isn't so that is concerning (he was also by himself so had a chance to take his time). I have no other way to describe it but he literally was moping. No color- just sat on the bottom of the tank on his fins- I was even a little worried he wasn't able to swim- thankfully he proved me wrong a few days in. I left him in the QT tank because I wanted to make sure he wasn't sick- but after a bit over a week I couldn't stand it anymore (he wasn't displaying illness to me as much as sheer stress? lonliness?). He colored up more as soon as I put him in his permanent tank- and within a few days he was out and about- and now....he's coming to the front of the tank to greet me. 

It's been 4 days. Before you make any changes to your stocking plans- just watch them- look for signs of physical illness. Fish can be fine for several days even a week or 2 without eating. Maybe lower the tank lights to reduce stress but that's all I would do. Give them more time. 

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Yeah…that’s the plan for now. I’ve been keeping the lights down and hoping he gets a little more comfortable over time. Hopefully the direct feeding will work and get him feeling more comfortable. The convict cichlid just carries on loving life swimming every where… and the firemouth is just as you put it “ moping” lol. Thank for sharing your experience…it encourages what I know about this hobby, “patience is key”. 

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How big is the fire mouth and how big is the convict. Cichlids are more aggressive towards other cichlids than they are other fish and the convict could be bullying him. My fire mouth is the smallest in the tank and acted like that for a long time until he got enough size on him to stand up to the others.

Also CA cichlids in general come from areas with fast moving water and large predator fish, so juvenile cichlids know to hunker down in shelter until they get bigger.


Edited by BlueLineAquaticsSC
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The fire mouth is the biggest in the tank and everyone really leaves him alone. He’s about 3.5” and the convict is about 2.5”. The convict is extremely mellow. He chased the boesemanis a bit his first hour in the aquarium but now doesn’t act territorial at all. The firemouth came out for a few seconds last night and I’ve noticed today he’s peeking over the driftwood with a bit of curiosity. I’m hoping these are good signs. 

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