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New fish in QT - 1 acting oddly


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I have 6 new black phantom tetras in a 10 gallon quarantine tank. The tank is bare bottom and was cycled using a small coop sponge filter from my main tank. (It was able to cycle the .5ppm ammonia from my tap down to 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite in less than 14 hours when moved over.)

They're on week 3 and just today one is staying in the corner, breathing rapidly and did not eat. All seemed to be acting normally up until today.

Week 1 I fasted them and did the coop recommended med trio. Then did a 30% water change. Week 2 I fed and observed for a week, then another 30% water change.

Week 3 started Saturday. I dosed with 1 packet of paracleanse and have been feeding lightly. (I was unable to figure out if you're supposed to feed during this second round of paracleanse or not.)

Water parameters as of a few minutes ago:

Temp 74.6F

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrates less than 10ppm

Nitrites 0ppm

GH greater than 300ppm

KH 40ppm

PH 6.4

What should I be doing at this point?

(Sorry for the poor quality photos of the fish.)





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On 6/6/2022 at 6:38 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I would recommend putting an additional airstone in there for them, as medications change the water consistency and that may be causing the little guy some trouble. It could be that he's the weakest dude of the bunch, and that's why he is the one showing symptoms.

Would I need another air pump to run that or would a second stone make enough of a difference even running off the same pump?

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On 6/6/2022 at 7:53 PM, Katherine said:

Would I need another air pump to run that or would a second stone make enough of a difference even running off the same pump?

Another air pump would be best, but if you don't have one, a second stone would help, especially if it is placed on the opposite side of the aquarium from the first air source. That way the air is more dispersed throughout the tank.  That's what I do in my quarantine tank. I use a gang valve to split the air and I have the first air source in the sponge filter and the other is an airstone diagonal from that.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 6/6/2022 at 4:53 PM, Katherine said:

Would I need another air pump to run that or would a second stone make enough of a difference even running off the same pump?

As mentioned above, yep! Depending on the "power" of your pump you should be able to hook up two stones. More flow, more surface agitation, more aeration. That's what it would do.

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She's looking a little better than last night. Breathing better but not quite back to normal. She didn't eat, but she did swim over to look at the food, which she didn't do yesterday, and she's hanging out at the back of the tank, but not completely in the corner.

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@Chick-In-Of-TheSea @nabokovfan87

We have a newly visible problem. She has what appear to be clear bubbles just behind her pelvic fins. Maybe 2 of them? One on each side. It doesn't look like what I'm finding when I search for photos of an anal prolapse. Any ideas?

She's the one at the beginning of the video.

Edit: I think she's slightly bloated as well.




Edited by Katherine
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