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Aggressive Goldfish


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I got two 3 inch fancies in a 40 breeder and they keep ramming each other and biting at each other’s butts and sides. I just got them a a few weeks ago. I know which one instigates but idk what I can really do can’t afford to get a whole other set up to separate them. They do it all day. 

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I recently got my first fancy goldfish as well and have been doing a lot of reading. It might be spawning behavior, apparently the male chases the female a lot trying to breed and sometimes it can get aggressive and lead to injury. You might try and find another female and make a trio, or trade the aggressive male in for another goldfish. I hear sexing goldfish is pretty hard though, so it might be hard to make sure you're getting another female

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Hi there. I can say it's that time of year and one of my female Orandas has spawned 3 times already since early March. There will be chasing by the males and they dive into my ferns and the eggs start flying out. This helps the female get the eggs out. Mine start before dawn and generally are over it by noon. Then they spend the day finding the eggs and eating them. If the female is too stressed you can remove her after into another tank and let her recover but mine have been fine after and are just looking for lunch. Hope this helps.

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