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What’s growing on my glass??


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On 5/3/2022 at 3:43 PM, Tihshho said:

Those are Rhabdocoela, a type of flatworm. They do crop up and are generally harmless. If you get too many it could be from overfeeding. 

Thanks. I definitely did overfeed for a while. Since I reduced feeding will they go away on their own, or do I need to treat the with something?

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On 5/3/2022 at 3:53 PM, Tihshho said:

Reducing feeding will reduce the population, it won'te completely remove them. I wouldn't worry too much about them. Gravel vaccing also will remove the ones hidden in your substrate. 

Gotcha. Thanks for the help!!

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I'm seeing the flatworms already mentioned, but are there also skinny long white worms I'm seeing? If so, you could have detritus worms as well. Harmless to tank inhabitants as well, and will be reduced by feeding less and gravel vacuuming. 

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:20 PM, AndreaW said:

I'm seeing the flatworms already mentioned, but are there also skinny long white worms I'm seeing? If so, you could have detritus worms as well. Harmless to tank inhabitants as well, and will be reduced by feeding less and gravel vacuuming. 

Thanks. I was feeding a little more than normal and I guess it got out of hand. 

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