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Scarlet Temple


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Hello Everyone,

I was looking for some tips to be successful with Scarlet Temple.  The 2 plants I got from ACO came healthy but melted in my tank.  I still have a few bare stems that is showing some growth.

My parameters are:

20 gallon high with gravel substrate 

Fluval 3.0 light

0 ppm ammonia and nitrites/ 40-50 ppm nitrates/ 7.0 ph/ 8 degrees GH/ 3 degrees KH

ACO Easy Green and Easy Iron with Easy Root Tabs



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Scarlet temples from ACO were almost certainly grown emersed, as they often are pretty much anywhere you find them; melting back is pretty normal. Nitrates are a touch high, but in a planted tank that should be fine (you do want the nitrates in there for the plants). The stems should start growing more regular "submerged" leaves at the top, at which point I believe you can cut off the bottom and just set the tops into the substrate? (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) They should take root and start growing in the species' submerged growth form throughout.

I'm assuming the little red "twig"-looking things on the right, about mid-level in the front-to-back depth of the tank, are they?

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One of the plants I've never been successful with.  I'd recommend next time, keeping it in the pot for a week or so, give the plant time to adapt to your water, then plant it.  It's gets nutrients from the water column typically, so there's no issues there.  If someone has experience, I'd love to know what water conditions scarlet temple thrives in.  I've tried everything.  Grown algae on the leaves like a pro, but the new growth never kept up.

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