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Theirs a couple of treatment options you can use maracyn and maracyn2 together for a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment or kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs which I use for server infection if it were me I would use kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs if you want to treat with maracyn and maracyn2 together they will be an effective treatment option

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On 5/13/2022 at 3:29 PM, Colu said:

Theirs a couple of treatment options you can use maracyn and maracyn2 together for a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment or kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs which I use for server infection if it were me I would use kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs if you want to treat with maracyn and maracyn2 together they will be an effective treatment option

Got it! Thank you! I'll stick with the KanaPlex and add the fizz tabs once they arrive. I overnight shipped them so hopefully they get here soon.

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I’ve decided to use this thread as a bit of a journal during this journey so here’s another update. 

Did a 25% water change to clean the tank out and do another KanaPlex dose. She’s still looking pretty rough. The spots on her head continue to worry me but her energy and appetite are still healthy, so I’m trying to stay positive. 

Photos are from today right after the water change. I probably should have waited till after the debris settled and the salt dissolved— but I took the opportunity while she was near the front of the tank. 

Still waiting on the Jungle Fizz tabs to be delivered. I really struggled to find them in stock but I paid for overnight shipping so hopefully I’ll get them on Monday. 🤞 

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Fizz tabs didn’t arrive today as planned. They ended up delayed to tomorrow. Fingers crossed they show up on schedule this time.

She’s just getting a little worse everyday… this has been almost a month of treatment now with no improvements. Whatever she has is incredibly stubborn. 

I don’t want to give up on her yet till I can give the tabs a shot since she’s still active and eating, but I’m starting to worry that she’s suffering even if she isn’t acting like it. 

Couldn’t get a clear picture this time of her, but the mark on the top of her head has begun to redden and has eroded a bit more since the other day. Her gill also just looks shredded right now. It’s awful.  Poor thing… 

Man. This is rough to watch… this is my first time having such an ill fish and I feel terrible for her. 

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On 5/17/2022 at 5:01 AM, SpacedCadette said:

Fizz tabs didn’t arrive today as planned. They ended up delayed to tomorrow. Fingers crossed they show up on schedule this time.

She’s just getting a little worse everyday… this has been almost a month of treatment now with no improvements. Whatever she has is incredibly stubborn. 

I don’t want to give up on her yet till I can give the tabs a shot since she’s still active and eating, but I’m starting to worry that she’s suffering even if she isn’t acting like it. 

Couldn’t get a clear picture this time of her, but the mark on the top of her head has begun to redden and has eroded a bit more since the other day. Her gill also just looks shredded right now. It’s awful.  Poor thing… 

Man. This is rough to watch… this is my first time having such an ill fish and I feel terrible for her. 

Sorry to hear she not improving it could be turning into body rot on top of her head kanaplex and jungal fungas clear when it arrives will hopefully resolve it 

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On 5/17/2022 at 6:34 AM, Colu said:

Sorry to hear she not improving it could be turning into body rot on top of her head kanaplex and jungal fungas clear when it arrives will hopefully resolve it 

Fortunately the fungus clear arrived today! Dropped half a tablet into the 5g hospital tank as soon as the package was dropped off. I’ll add the other half Friday night. Feeling hopeful again now that I’ve got another plan of action. Thank you again for all your advice @Colu. I really wouldn’t have a clue how to even begin treating her and I just so greatly appreciate your help. 

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Lemon’s condition continues to worsen. Her appetite is still good and she still has energy, but she just looks totally torn apart. I’ve noticed her movement is becoming awkward as well but she’s still moving around the tank to eat and inspect things. She’s still engaging with me when I approach the tank, but I can’t get over how awful she looks…

She’s on her second round of Jungle Fungus Clear Fizz and KanaPlex right now. I just feel so bad for her. Am I doing the right thing by continuing to try and treat her? Her activity and engagement level is the only thing that keeps me trying. 

Ive included some video and photos of her as of a couple of minutes ago.







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The looking at the deterioration it could be a viral infection and not a bacterial infection with continuing treatment    if you think she suffering and has no quality of life than I would humanely euthanize her with clove oil if she still eating and active than you could give a couple more days of treatment in hope that she starts to improve that a choice only you can make 

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I’ll finish out this round of treatment and hope she starts to improve since she’s still active and eating.

If I see any further reduction in her activity or appetite I will very seriously consider humane euthanasia. 

Thank you again for all your guidance, @Colu♥️

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We’re on day 5 of the jungle fungus and KanaPlex regimen. I wish I had a more positive update. 

Things are continuing to progress downward. I’ve noticed a lump starting to form on her tail.

It looks like her spine is starting to curve as well? I can’t tell if my mind is playing tricks on me or not. Her appetite and energy are still decent though her mobility is starting to suffer a bit. Her poop was a little pale today but I’ve seen her have a couple normal ones as well. More pictures included below. 

I think the thing that has me down is that it doesn’t seem like she’s ever really started to improve… she’s just been slowly trending downward. It’s so bizarre though that it hasn’t really affected her energy or appetite. Almost makes it even more puzzling. 







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Sorry to hear that she is not improving if she still deteriorating after treating with kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs it's possible it could be iridovirus with the developing lumps and peeling scales it's very rare in honey gourami  commonly affects dwarf gourami's and their no effective treatment 

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On 5/24/2022 at 7:29 PM, Colu said:

Sorry to hear that she is not improving if she still deteriorating after treating with kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs it's possible it could be iridovirus with the developing lumps and peeling scales it's very rare in honey gourami  commonly affects dwarf gourami's and their no effective treatment 

Well shoot… that would explain why she’s not been responding to treatment. I read up on it a bit and sounds like it’s eventually fatal as well… damn. Poor girl… I’ll give her a couple more days on this last treatment and see. But it sounds like the kindest thing might be to say goodbye… 

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