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getting past anubias rot?


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I bought an anubias last month and a week later it ended up with anubias rot.  then I noticed recently my other anubias was starting to yellow and last night i noticed a leaf was loose.  Turns out the rot spread to this one too.  (and no I didn't bury the rhizome.  they're all on rock or wood)


Does anyone know how to stop the spread?  I found one post while googling that suggested pulling all anubias plants and quarantining them for a month in individual containers and discarding any that show signs of rot.  Does anyone else have experience doing this?  is a month enough time to be sure it won't come back?


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*sigh*.... yeah At this point I think I'm willing to write off all the anubias in this tank.  but I want to replace it.  I haven't found much in the way of how long to wait before its safe to add anubias back.

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I'm not a huge anubis fan, but my A. Barteri  has been with me since I started in the hobby. It's supposed to be an easy plant yet I've never been able to do anything with it. Even so,  im bound and determined to make the dang thing flower before I give up on it......... The A. Coffeefolia was bought for my brother but he'll get the replacement that's being shipped. The original found its way into my tank because my stupid pride thinks I can save it....... 


I'm actually hoping this is rot and spreads just so I can rid myself of Anubias.... 

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On 4/14/2022 at 8:17 AM, sairving said:

Dealt with anubias rot twice. Both times, I've never managed to save any anubias. I waited about a month before replacing the pants. The first time it took out a really nice bushy nana petite that had been growing almost a year. 

Timing wise do you think that month was enough time? 

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I had anubias rot as well, and unfortunately it did spread to all Anubias and within about 6-8weeks all my Anubias were gone. I've read that you cannot cure or prevent AR, and that it can reoccur in your tank at any time, so I haven't tried reintroducing new Anubias yet. I do have Anubias in my other tank and so far is is doing well.

There were some good articles that were a good read in my previous post about my AR: 


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