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Freshwater Dolphin purchase (mistake?)


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I was in my LFS and saw about 8 black fish with dolphin noses in the tank hanging out so after asking a few questions of the owner I decided to purchase two of them for my 125 community tank.  Typically I do a quick search on my phone, however, I did not bring it with me so I relied on the information he gave me.  Since I have had them in my tank for about two weeks I rarely see them and  I have learned they are nocturnal and I am not sure I am feeding the properly though I do use frozen bloodworms sometimes and live blackworms occasionally which I believe they are supposed to enjoy.  After reading many articles about them I have learned that they use electrical signals of some type to navigate their environment and evidently can stun fish which sounds pretty crazy to me.  This morning I watched one of them approach one of my loaches, touch him and the loach froze for about 30 seconds, if I am not mistaken he did something to him.  They definitely are very cool, however, I am not sure if I can keep them in my tank, has anyone had these for any length of time.  Next time I buy something I will do my own research..lol.  Thanks.

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I have a friend who studies weakly electrical fish, including mormyrids.  As @Fish Folk pointed out, they do get decently large.  Large enough they are fished for as a food item in their native Africa (my friend says they taste okay).  This means they eventually will prey on other fish in most tanks.  Perhaps the bigger issue is they tend not to get along well.  And because they can find each other's electrical signals, there is no hiding for them in a tank. 

They are cool fish!  And you might be able to keep one long-term in a 125.  Just recognizing that you might end up with one and it might be nearly the only fish in there.  That might be a cool tank with the one big fish though. 

Hope that helps.

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