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Snail ID

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Those are bladder snails. As long as you do not leave excess food and dying plants in the tank and keep the surface of your substrate clean the population will remain controlled. With your deeper substrate and not vacuuming they can get in the nooks and crannies to help clean up leftovers and debris. I keep them in all my tanks. The strangest part is if the girl does not want to mate when they meet she will shake her she’ll to dislodge her suitor. They will also consume ailing plant leaves and help your plants flourish. They do not eat healthy leaves. If you see egg sacs I recommend removing them to keep population in check. Here are pics of egg sacs from my bladder snail tank to help you identify them. Edit add  they are good housekeepers and keep nooks and crannies from getting gunky 



Edited by Guppysnail
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