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Possible Anchor Worm


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20220321_113456.jpg.a062ca8d13446eb77171a1da2e895381.jpg20220321_101335.jpg.cf86e74daa4d855aed7eef3107c06bcc.jpgI purchased a few female dwarf gouramis about 3 weeks ago and placed them in quarantine. I am treating with Kanaplex, Ich-X and Fitz ParaCleanse in addition to aquarium salt (about 1 tbsp/ 3 gal). I noticed one of the fish had 2 small white "threads" coming from her gills and moved her to her own hospital tank the other day.

Initially she was displaying pretty normal behavior although skin near gills is red and when she comes up for air, she is staying longer than normal. I didn't dose the tank with meds immediately (just salt) and she started to swim sideways after about 8 hours. I immediately added ParaCleanse and Kanaplex. Within an hour or so of adding meds she started swimming normally again. It also looks like 1 of the 2 threads may now be gone now but it is hard to tell for sure. Next day I also dosed with Ich-X

What are your thoughts, is it Anchor Worm? I have Microbe-lift lice & anchor worm, is it safe to add that to the tank with the med trio? Thanks!

This is the best pic I could get, it was when I saw 2 "threads". 

Water Parameters:

  • pH - 7.8
  • Nitrates - 0 (just set up hospital tank)
  • Hardness - 120
  • Nitrite - 0
  • Ammonia - 0
  • KH/Buffer - 180
  • Water Temperature -  78

Edit: Added second pic that shows side view with redness near gills and info about staying at the surface longer for air.


Edited by FancyFins
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On 3/21/2022 at 11:03 AM, Colu said:

It's difficult to tell off that picture if it's anchor worms he some information increase you need to treat1935728177_Screenshot_20220321-1501512.png.86803986d81fd6c0b6795a060789d4d9.png

Thanks for the reply. It is my understanding that Microbe-lift lice & anchor worm has the same active ingredient as Hikari CyroPro. Do you know of it can be dosed with Kanaplex, Ich-X and Fitz ParaCleanse, as those are currently in the tank. 

I do also have Jungle Clear Water which contains Potassium Permanganate but am concerned about using it in a bath since it shouldn't be used with other medications and the water in quarantine tank does currently contain medication. 

Edited by FancyFins
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On 3/21/2022 at 5:10 PM, Colu said:

I wouldn't recommend mixing that many medication what I would do is  water changes and add active carbon for 24hr  to remover the other medications before treating for anchor worms

Thanks, appreciate it 🙂

Edited by FancyFins
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