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Is this Scarlet Temple salvagable?

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So I've tweaked this 5 gal betta tank a little, and it seems to be pretty balanced now. All the other plants in there (val, sprite, bacopa, java moss) are doing quite well, and are mostly algea free. But this guy isn't bouncing back like the others.

Do you think it's too far gone? Should I cut off some leaves? Maybe trim it way back down? Or do I just need to pull it out and toss it?

My experience is usually that a plant will get new, nice growth and then the lower leaves just kinda go away. But there doesn't seem to be new growth on this one. -Se3_xlUPDfl78GERz38ZxlT23-xW-T46ocqr0BBDgcni-YnuDFqMIOwSt4c9RbkKPZrU57NszqN6Knen6BgPfuyBTD0ZBs9YbuNAufLsLUMYSaNZ8dko1SZu_MQ2I3HNrhFG0KwBMBdhMtM3aaWDVWB_DvD_rfRoHpVzrFNMkLcY9bKJpA3vrrV0ascOpHxlBMQ3H2bEXuw7Nw0k8Du2zIOxTPdx0x5E3EI5gqkPh7cf9agU1gO1VSVV9tJDC5JPF7ASLHgrdnHvfS3SD8Ag1M6eN1eq0AQurNMtQOyzoMqjppN9OfVYgqqtYNMFViHqPkOe3VH1GLR0D7LEeX2BXopdb3pOX39lHnPOCBoABsFMLzpsf_p2ajoachATXp__LDcCMQv9X1saWV5_0KKnE-3GtOt59NfFk68g0rYXRujZK2O3NR0SCO6qdotUZx5WB9Qbrc58T1WzS7X1-5lh2NuZyavELbALlpGhodH-d01XSPzfIMDB2beC3tOsHtjcCIo3D_BSHibc62k3zb2q__HoWye0x0P4BYtHjv2EyaYj9mMRecCvT1JWF8tGlInTPcTE48hLVuIEjxQhjdIUKf3rvlIuanxjnvCyPkWJ_rMRqihD-hFhvn-FosUS1WmsGn35w0NX6taoeDt975E0TsOc9CAw5fCmmcPASpURAhtDIWsAl0Hu7Yad7F9ed1JNT-vUa9G7K2BV_yOFyZ_0Weu=w1167-h875-no?authuser=0

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