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Bacopa Caroliniana

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On 3/15/2022 at 2:00 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

We need more information to diagnose any problems. 

Tank size, GH, KH, pH and what are you dosing and which substrate. Also, we need the basic parameters, Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates.

GH 60ppm

KH 30ppm

PH 6.4

Ammonia 4

Nitrite 5

Nitrate 5


Substrate: ADA Amazonia

20 Gallon tank

No fish

No fertilizers at the moment. 8 Hours of light with day and night cycle having the light get brighter by the day.


Edited by zodiak245
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I think what you are seeing is normal. The tips, when you have good light, start to go pinkish. 

Stay the course but do 50% water changes twice a week and drop light duration to 6 hours. Then ramp back up when ammonia is gone. Once ammonia is gone, dose very lean then ramp up.

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