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Identifying white on guppies


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If it's not one thing, it's another. I can't decide if this is columnaris or fungal or bacterial.

pH 7.8 Am 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 GH 16° KH 12° temp 77

The areas are blotchy, sightly raised. 4 of my girls have this but no others. In the photos it's the white patch near/at her tail and on the body. All of the girls like this are clamping their fins and the areas of each are different. All slightly raised. It's a light grey white. They're all still eating but are not very active. It's on at least one of the girls tails and pectoral fins as well.


Edited by Minanora
Added more. Girls with this on pectoral fins and tail
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Worth noting that this is only on my cobra females that I put in the tank two weeks ago out of my son's tank where no fish is having this issue. The tank they came from was slightly warmer at 79, pH of 8, am 0, nitrite 0, and nitrates at 40.

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On 3/10/2022 at 1:20 AM, Colu said:

It could be fungal infection what I would do is treat with maracyn and ick x together that combination is effective at treating fungal infections

That was my thought as well. I started treating with that combo two days ago. Today will be day 3. I haven't seen any noticeable improvement on the infection yet. However, 3 of the 4 girls are more active today. This morning I added a does of salt 1 rounded tbsp per 5G/20L. Hopefully this addition will help the 4th girl beat this.

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Things looked a bit better on Friday. The trouble girls weren't eating so I hatched some bbs. They ate a bit of that. Patches look a bit better. There's definitely fin damage though. I'll keep feeding bbs and keep up with treatment. Hopefully they continue to recover. The tufts are bigger(more raised) and mildly stringy, but in less area on the bodies and fins. Poor girls. I am still at loss for how they got sick to begin with.

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Things are greatly improving! I did a 50% water change today and added another dose of Maracyn and I will add another dose of Ich-X tonight. The trouble girls are almost 100% cleared up. There was damage to their bodies, fins and tails. The infection has cleared but the tissues will need time to heal.

My approach to success with this one was not "by the book". I didn't do water changes during treatment until today. I added full doses of maracyn and ich-x (except on Wednesday I accidently only did a half dose) every day. I added salt on Thursday. I redosed 2 rounded TBSP of salt today when I did the water change. I'll do another water change on Tuesday and not re-up the salt.

Thank you so much again @Colu. You always give me the confidence I need to beat every challenge I get!

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