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kuhli Loaches and aquarium salts?


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I'm treating my Ember Tetra fish tank for ich and I wanted to know if its safe to use aquarium salt with kuhli loaches. I did my research but I've found to many conflicting responses and I don't feel safe enough to try it.  Has anyone used A.S. with kuhli Loaches before? I also have neocaridina shrimp and a Giant Colombian Ramshorn (which I'll be removing). 





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I have kuhli loaches and opted not to use salt after reading the available information. I was too nervous to try it. If you haven't already, I would definitely raise the temperature to 82/84, somewhere around there; kuhlis are good at tolerating higher temps. I hope others will be able to chime in about ich treatment. Good luck, I hope it clears relatively quickly!

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