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New Fire Shrimp Tank


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Finally set up my first shrimp tank!

Took my old Fluval spec 2.5 and ripped out the back panel so I could have more space.

Stratum substrate with a variety of buces, java Fern, anubias, myriophyllum mattogrossense and marimo moss balls.

Filter was a gift, but I know they got it from Amazon. Ran it for few weeks in my main tank to build up the beneficials.

Today I picked up 6 locally bred fire cherry shrimp from my LFS. They were nice and included a female that was already carrying eggs. I even noticed a couple new born shrimplets in the bag when I got home but they didn't make it past the drip acclimation.

Feeding them Xtreme Shirmpee food. I use a straw to drop the pellets into the dish.

Here's hoping they like their new home!PXL_20220218_015454057.jpg.d7784ac56f4ff2daac6d42b12626af05.jpg






Edited by amr427
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That looks like a nice setup, and some nice looking shrimp.  I hope they do well, but if not I'd encourage you to give it some time and try again. Many people (me included) struggle with shrimp in new tanks.  They often do better in tanks that are allowed to "season" for several months to build up some biofilm for the shrimp to graze on.

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On 2/21/2022 at 1:02 AM, JettsPapa said:

That looks like a nice setup, and some nice looking shrimp.  I hope they do well, but if not I'd encourage you to give it some time and try again. Many people (me included) struggle with shrimp in new tanks.  They often do better in tanks that are allowed to "season" for several months to build up some biofilm for the shrimp to graze on.

Since all the plants and filter came from seasoned tanks my hope is there is already biofilm on them. But I will supplement feed them as well. Took em no time at all to find other food dish.

My concern is mostly about how hard our water is but has a low kh. One of the reasons I went with locally bred ones, hoping they stand a better chance.

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I love the scape! And the shrimp! Hopefully they thrive. Shrimp are fun!

There are so many types of food for shrimp. Bacter AE is good for making them biofilm. I also use their products, shrimp fit and mineral junkie. Then once a week I gave mine a tiny piece of a snowflake pellet. Back when I had 10. Now I have many.

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