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What is this and why cant I cure it?


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This strange white growth has formed on my Bettas head. It started as a lump under his scales, then it got white and it just keeps growing. There are some more patches of this, forming on the other side of his head, but they just wouldn't show up in a photo. I had been treating him for severe fin rot and swim bladder issues, using salt, one tablespoon per gallon, Maraceyn, Paracleanse and ick X. The fin rot and swim bladder issues are gone, and my fish seems to be acting fine, and is in noticeably better health than before, but this white patch just won't go away. In addition to the salt, I dosed the meds simultaneously and followed the directions according the amounts and days specified, except for the Ick X, I put in only enough for one day, as adding more of it would require a water change and that would disrupt the other meds in the water. I just don't know what to think, I had another betta with this problem and I treated his case more aggressively with the ick X  as well as the the other meds and the salt plus regular daily water changes. In the he just died, and these spots were the only thing wrong with him, no fin rot no swim bladder issues. I don't have money for more types of meds, but at this rate I just want to figure out what this is so I don't loose any more fish to it. 


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Theirs a couple of things this could be Tumor viral or bacterial infections tumor are really common I'm Betta a little more information would be helpful  water parameters ammonia nitirtes temp etc  how  long has he had the lump is he eating ok did you notice any improvement with the lump with any of the medication you used 

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