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I think gouramis are super cool. Especially dwarf or powder blues. A few weeks ago I settled on a honey gourami because they are more peaceful so less of a risk. It died in a couple days. I 100% blame that on the store cause every fish I've ever gotten there has died in a few days. Idk why I even got another one there against my better judgment but I digress. My question is, do you think it would be possible for me to keep a dwarf or powder blue in with my peaceful community tank?  I kinda wanna try it but don't want issues. I currently have 7 panda cories (+ 1 fry which is surviving well), 3 guppies (2 pregnant), 2 mystery snails and 2 nerite snails (sometimes goes in a diff tank) in a 29g. 

Also, just to clarify, they get about 3 inches right?  So bigger than the guppies?  The one honey I had was tiny but it was also likely young. 

Edited by Cinnebuns
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Honeys are small, peaceful, and tend to have better health overall (from a solid store). A dwarf gourami would probably be okay temperament-wise in your tank if you really want to try one, but get only one. They are definitely bigger than honey gouramis and get around three inches! My honey gouramis are all very slow growers and have stayed quite small, just around 2 inches long (maybe slightly less for my small ladies).

Since you have a 29 gallon, you can also try a thicklipped gourami. They don't have the flashier looks of dwarf gouramis or honey gouramis, but they have a very peaceful, outgoing personality that won't hurt your other fish at all. They'll probably eat from your hands if you try it.

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