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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab - I have owned this book for years and never picked it up.  I thought it was very good, pretty unique.

I've barely read for the last few months... moving and whatnot really screws that up.

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As I read through this thread I couldn't help but notice the amount of Fantasy people were reading. Which brought me back to my younger days of loving David Eddings books. Books about knights & dragons, chivalry. Good stuff!!

Now that im old...... Errrr; more mature, im mostly a big fan of motivational, inspirational, spiritual, or how-to books or like above which lightly touch on numerous interesting topics that can be applied to improving oneself. I cringe when I call them self help books.

Anyhow my next book is one I loved in my late teens and most likely inspired by this thread!


Im intrested to see how after 20+ years since originally reading it, my perspective has changed! I was also excited to discover they made a 2006 movie out of the book!

Edited by JoeQ
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A collection of essays, poems & short stories from History woven around a theme (Freedom in this case).  There might be a piece from Cicero right next to something out of an Anne Rice vampire novel. Very cool periodical that is easy to read in small chunks & never fails to enrich with it's thoughtful conclusions. 


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