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Is this hemorrhagic septicemia?


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I am currently experiencing sudden deaths in my established planted tank. Tank has been set up for over 6 months. The dead fish will have red spots on their body. The body isn't bloated and there aren't any pine coning scales. Based on the images, do you think it is hemorrhagic septicemia? If it is, what can I do to cure and prevent it? I have dosed Maracyn and Maracyn II. 

The tank parameters is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate and <40 nitrates. The ph is around 7.0 and I keep these rams at 82 - 83F. Fish are also behaving normally - they are hungry for food, does not gasp at the top of the tank and have been breeding in the affected tank. 

Appreciate any insight!

Thank you!





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I would be suspicious of a bacterial infection what I would do is treat with maracyn2 in food add 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn2 1 scoop of seachems focus 1 table spoon of pellets one cap of seachems garlic guard and a few drops of water mix well feed twice a day for 7 days you can store any leftover medicated food in the fridge

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On 2/15/2022 at 9:41 AM, Colu said:

I would be suspicious of a bacterial infection what I would do is treat with maracyn2 in food add 1 quarter of a packet of maracyn2 1 scoop of seachems focus 1 table spoon of pellets one cap of seachems garlic guard and a few drops of water mix well feed twice a day for 7 days you can store any leftover medicated food in the fridge

Thank you for the response! I am glad I started dosing maracyn 2 already in the tank. I haven't used medicated food before but I will look into them. Thank you!

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