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Synodontis Catfish Ideas?


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I have a well planted 29gal, heated, ph8, that needs a cool bottom dweller. Usually I'm a fan of schooling fish, but want to try something a bit more solitary and unique. I have guppies and harlequin rasboras, an otocinclus, and a hillstream loach.

Was thinking of a some kind of synodontis catfish. I would appreciate any suggestions you guys could give me and if you could share some insight from your experiences with them. Thanks!

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I think a synodontis nigriventris (true upside-down cat) is small enough for a 29 gallon (and you'll need a few of them), but most synodontis species grow rather large for a 29 gallon. I keep 4 synodontis lucipinnis in my 55 gallon tank, and they are still juveniles and incredibly slow-growing. They will reach a size of about 4 to 5 inches each but I can't fathom when they'll make it there. I do hesitate to recommend them to you, though, because they are very active fish and will definitely outgrow the 29 gallon when they reach that 4 to 5 inch mark.

I do love them, though, and if you ever have the space for some synodontis, they're amazing.

Maybe you can look into the small woodcats? Ninja woodcats are ADORABLE and so are purple oil catfish.  Here's some info on them: https://www.fishkeeper.co.uk/help-and-advice/freshwater/catfish/ninja-woodcat

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Have you considered Corydoras? They are not solitary and prefer to school, but they are bottom dwellers and very active. They are not picky, peaceful and are quite hardy. They are omnivores and great substrate cleaners.

Another consideration is your substrate. It needs to be softer with no sharp edges to injure their whiskers.

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