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Wild Bettas


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Good evening everyone 


Hi I recently acquired a pair of gladiator bettas  a few months ago. When I picked them up their color was gone due to stress, now they are happy and breeding tonight. Now my question has anyone had or have any good information about them, everything I find is about Betta Unimaculata  all together. I’m trying to identify them, but either way I just want everyone’s input 




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Hey there!! Those are some gorgeous fish! So from what I can recall those get rather sizeable for a betta.  Like 4 or 5 inches so I would definitely suggest like a 20 gallon or up to avoid any aggression. As with most of the wild bettas they prefer acidic softer water but will tolerate harder water also. Again as with most bettas give them places to hide and relax which from the pictures looks like you already have covered. If you're going to breed I'm pretty sure they breed at a lower ph somewhere in the 6s, As far as identifying do you mean sexing? I've read that males have broader heads and the extension fins under their jaws are longer. Wild bettas are awesome they can be a bit unpredictable sometimes though in my experience so just be prepared to move them to a new tank temporarily or permanently if necessary. They look awesome! Congratulations on the fish!

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On 2/10/2022 at 2:42 PM, BettaHomesAndGardens said:

I was way off on the 20 gallon thing lol. This is an awesome resource. Are there cheat sheets like this for other wild species?

If you look on the International Betta Congress website they have more information

Edited by Colu
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Thank you all for the information I have them in a heavily planted 40 gallon. They eat live, frozen, flake, and small pellets. I have found they aren’t too aggressive to other fish I do have two pairs of killifish with them and they don’t seem to care at all. I have their PH around 6.5, I have started to do some training with the male using a mirror that seemed to get him more interested in breeding. 

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