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Cloudy water

Ronnie Carman

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I myself have not kept fish in quite some time I recently moved into a new home and look forward to doing it soon. That being said my mother has a small 10 gallon tank that she has about 5 small fish in. When she cleaned the water in the beginning it would be cloudy for about a week and then clear up. Now it seems to stay cloudy all the time even if she does a full water change cleans out the gravel  the filter and refilled it with fresh uncoordinated water it immediately becomes cloudy and then proceeds to stay cloudy until the next time she changes the water any help on how to fix this would be appreciate.

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It sounds like possibly she is disrupting the bacteria. In which case not doing water changes can help that clear. If it's slightly green, then it's an algae bloom. I'll link our article here that will help you diagnose what's going on, if you have any pictures that helps us a ton as well to see if we notice the culprit in the tank. 



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