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Dwarf Gourami acts fine, looks TERRIBLE.


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A few days ago, I noticed he was getting bloated, and the bloated area had turned white.  I moved him to a 10 gallon sick tank, increased the temp to 80, added some salt, and started treating with Melafix.

After a day, it looked a little worse.  Then, this morning (two days later) he is being destroyed by it.   I don't know what to make of it.  Funny thing is, he is not bothered by this - swimming normally, even eating (although I have greatly reduced food for him).  Any ideas what this may be?  Is this possibly sheading this bad area and healing on the inside?  Or, is it pretty much lights-out for the little guy?

2022-01-19 12.35.20.jpg

2022-01-18 19.18.30.jpg

2022-01-18 19.18.22.jpg

2022-01-18 19.17.41.jpg

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This is a sweet thicklipped gourami (trichogaster labiosa) and the poor guy does not look good at all. You need stronger antibiotics to help him, though, unless it's viral (which is could be if he shared a tank with true Dwarf Gouramis in the shop.  How long have you had him?). Melafix isn't going to cut it.

I'm so sorry, it looks so painful 😞

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I've had him about 9 months.  Purchased him with two others, and they are doing fine in the main tank.  It looks totally painful, but he's not acting like he is in any pain at all.  I cannot imagine he survives this, but as long as he does not look like he's suffering, I'll keep treating.  Thanks!

I should add, no new fish have been added to the tank in several months.  About a month ago, I added a few plants.

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Looks like body rot or an abscess that ruptured I would treat with combined treatment of kanaplex and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment schedule using jungal fungas clear fizz tabs instead of furan2 as it has been discontinued


Edited by Colu
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