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Ammonia Wont Go Down


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Hello Everyone,


 I am reaching out for help! I have a 15 gallon fluval flex with a couple of Kuhli Loaches, 5 Pea Puffers & 6 Tiny Neon Tetras. It is heavily planted with all of the plants doing very well. Everything is green! All my Levels, PH, Nitrate & Nitrite are all perfect. However my Ammonia will NOT go down. I noticed a spike at .5 ppm the other day. So i have been doing 50% water changes. For a day it goes down to nothing then the next day it is right back where it was before. I havew been doing water changes for a while and still no luck.. I cleaned the filters, the tank was cycled for a month before i added fish but still no luck.....Not sure what to do...

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