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Bacopa Caroliniana dying


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It seems my bacopa caroliniana plants are dying from the down up. This is a new fresh 10 gallon aquarium that was made Jan 4th. (10 days since planting). I am currently using the green bottle easy green All-in-One fertilizer alongside with seachem flourish tabs in black sand as the substrate. Water temp at 78F, 10 hours of LED lighting, and a tank pH of 7. It is being inhabited with a betta fish. 

Since planting it has been growing upwards towards the light source and a new root with leaves has sprouted, but the dying in the center concerns me.


Edited by Jakub
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Hey Jakub, It's no guarantee, but I would try to plant all the stems a bit apart from one another. if the bottom parts are already dead, I'd cut that off, and plant the healthy part back into the substrate. the only thing after that is patients unfortunately. I've had this issue before, and thought they were goners, but no matter how bad they look, as long as you see green, there's a chance. don't give up on them!

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I agree with the above, and would only add that since bacopa can survive as a floater you may want to let a couple of stems float as a backup source. They'll get more light floating. Sometimes plants that won't thrive in your substrate when it is new will do well there in a few months, and if you need them, they will be there.

Also, I notice your stems are pretty long. When I plant in the substrate, about 5 days after planting I'll go in and cut long stems in half, and replant the newly cut pieces. This makes it so the newly developing roots don't have to provide for so much plant structure, and the newly planted sections should grow their own roots and you'll eventually have a nice stand of bacopa

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