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BAD fin rot- Help please


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Hey there guys, 

So I really need help with my mother in laws fish. She has a betta that has real bad fin rot.  I tried everything that has already been suggested like; salt, maracyn, and different meds that have just not even touched him. I did 1 tbsp per 3 gallons. Nothing has helped. I put him back in his tank and made sure the parameters were good (included below) and made sure the tank was where it needed to be and all was fine with it, but he is just deteriorating. Is there any suggestions anyone else has? Thank you. 


Ammonia: 0




gH: 75-80


Tried to upload a video of him, hope it worked. 

Edited by JustAnotherFishLover
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Unfortunately, I'm not seeing a picture or a video. Lots of questions:

Is there any redness around the deteriorating fins? How about any fuzzy growth? Do the fins seem to just be getting ragged and disappearing? Is it just the back tailfin, or is it his pectoral and dorsal fins as well? How's his behavior, aside from visual symptoms?

If it's just his tailfin and there's no fuzzy growth or anything, he could be tail-biting.


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Betta Fin Rot Video

Yes redness, no fuzzy, its all fins, getting raggedy then dissapearing, all of his fins are red, and he acts a little jumpy but still comes to the front of the tank for feeding and anytime someone goes by, his swimming is a little off but I think that is because of lack of fins. I am currently trying to upload all the pictures, he doesnt liek the light so its hard to get good ones. 


Here is all the photos. 

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Red patches on the skin and flashings could be caused by flukes his aren't the worse fins I have seen what I would do is treat with paracleanse or metroplex in food for suspected flukes  for the fin rot I would increase water changes add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes to reduce stress in your fish   for one week if you notice significant fin loss then I would treat with a combination of kanaplex in food and jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone to treat the water column  




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Aren't flukes a parasite that latches on to the outside of the fish? There is nothing on the skin of the fish besides the red spots. Here are some better pictures, I guess its just the red spot there on the head. He has had it for a long time. But his fins are definitely very red. There are no worms though, and he is by himself in a 10 gallon slightly planted tank. 

Here are some better pictures of the red spot, right at the top of the head and tip of his nose. Sorry I know they're not good pictures hes very camera shy, and has had a rough day. 


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On hand I have Maracyn, ICH-X, Jungle Fungus Clear, Aquarium Salt, Lifeguard Tetra, anything I could use now? I am going to make an order once I know exactly what I am dealing with here, but I would like to get something started asap. I also have multiple herbs that I can use for natural healing including Rooibos tea for tannins and antibiotic properties. If anyone has any experience with natural healing and fish, I would love to hear it.  To raise the electrolyte should I use equilibrium or will salt do that as well as helping with gill function? Sorry for all the questions, I have a lot of fish and have dealt with a lot of diseases, but they've been pretty standard cut and dry. This fish I have tried everything on and am determined to not give up so thanks for the help 

Thanks for the replies! 

Edited by JustAnotherFishLover
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You could use rooibos tea or Indian almond leaves as the tannins have positive affect on a sick fish's immune system I would use a small amount of aquarium salt that will help with Gill function and add essential electrolytes most cases of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacterial so I would treat with jungal fungas clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone as that treats gram negative bacterial infections 

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