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Multis Tank with Algae


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Hello Nerms! 

I've been struggling with some green algae forming on the shells, glass and Rocks in my tank, I cut down on the amount of food I feed. as well as lighting. It is still very present. I realize the fish are totally fine and it is doing no harm but I was wondering if I could add some Ottos with them?


Any thoughts on inhabitants to help with algae?

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I have had some success in the past adding a bristlenose pleco. It depends on the tank size and the temperament of the multis. Some would ignore the pleco and others pecked at him to defend their shells/area.  It did ok for algae on the glass but looked a little bit out of place in the tank full of small fish and small shells.

I think the ottos may get killed while something like a bristlenose has more armor.  What I ended up doing was living with the algae on the shells and manually scraping the algae on the glass.  You can control future growth by how long your light is on and how powerful/bright your light is.  I have also added some dwarf sag or smaller varieties of vallisneria to use up the resources that the algae was using.

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