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20 gallon planted


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I’m thinking of making a male guppy and endler tank of my spare 20 gallon. My question is how many is too many? It will be heavily planted and have otocinclus and blue dream neocardina shrimp. Does anyone have a tank like this? Any input would be greatly appreciated. And to think, in the summer of 2020 I had a 55 gallon. Then I started watching Cory’s YouTube videos and now I have a tank in every room in the house except the bathrooms, lol. Thanks Cory, for fueling my addiction.

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On 12/13/2021 at 7:36 PM, TomO said:

I’m thinking of making a male guppy and endler tank of my spare 20 gallon. My question is how many is too many? It will be heavily planted and have otocinclus and blue dream neocardina shrimp. Does anyone have a tank like this? Any input would be greatly appreciated. And to think, in the summer of 2020 I had a 55 gallon. Then I started watching Cory’s YouTube videos and now I have a tank in every room in the house except the bathrooms, lol. Thanks Cory, for fueling my addiction.

It depends on a lot of things, what plants are you using? How deep is your substrate? What lighting and filtration are you using?

If you have high intensity lights, fast growing plants like guppy grass, valisneria etc all combined with good filtration and a deep sand bed, you can probably keep 30-35 guppies and endlers in there. Should you? Probably not. 

I'd say put 6-8 guppies in and a couple of endlers. Get the tank nice and established and then go from there. Really the amount of fish you can keep in a tank is completely subjective depending on what equipment you have. Cory has a fantastic video on a fish farm in Israel(?) where they have so many koi you can't even see the water.

It's a numbers game at the end of the day, if you can keep yours right you're in good shape.


Edited by BigSkrimp
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With lots of plants, adequate filtration, and good (consistent) maintenance, you could probably do 12-15 guppies/endlers and 6-8 otocinclus + shrimp.  I think some folks would say more and some would advocate for less.  I would say you shouldn't start with that number, introducing groups of 5 guppies a week would be smarter. Plus you'd want to let the tank season for otos and shrimp, as well as supplement their diets.  What did you think would be the right numbers? 

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Come to think of it Tom, watch the new video on Aquarium Co-Op of the Asian guys fish store. He is a huge advocate for low flow, deep sand bed, lots of plants. I think anybody aspiring for less water changes and more fish have a good thing or two to learn from him. That's more or less how I run my tanks and I find it extremely efficient. 

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if they are all endler sized, id say around a dozen. if the guppy's are large sized, id start at 8 or so. this would be a good starting point. with lots of plants, some filtration, etc, etc the numbers could be doubled. its best to sneak up on max stocking levels though.

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I’ve had a sponge  filter in my 55 for 3-4 months. It should be well seasoned. It’s in addition to the large sponge filter. It will probably be a dirted tank with a gravel cap. The plants will probably be cuttings from my 29 gallon jungle tank. I have to prune that thing monthly. 

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